I remember when I started keeping tanks! Undergravel Filters were top of the line and I had those awful box filters with filter floss and carbon, lol. It has really changed quite a bit. The entire hobby as a whole has shifted numerous times and we now have equipment (albeit more expensive) to keep what we once thought was impossible. I recieved my first 10 gallon when I was 9 years old and here I am 29 years later.
I can honestly say that trying to help younger/less experianced aquarists has always been an honor and something I truly love voluteering for as it feels good to give back to the hobby I have enjoyed so much over the years. There are many who are still new to the hobby and are thirsting to learn more and sometimes it just takes being there at the right time to help and make a life long aquarist. Nearly every GHAC meeting I meet someone I have only talked to online or someone new that is full of questions and its a wonderful feeling to know they are leaving feeling much more confident in the hobby and that they have a group to rely upon should they encounter a problem.
I can honestly say that trying to help younger/less experianced aquarists has always been an honor and something I truly love voluteering for as it feels good to give back to the hobby I have enjoyed so much over the years. There are many who are still new to the hobby and are thirsting to learn more and sometimes it just takes being there at the right time to help and make a life long aquarist. Nearly every GHAC meeting I meet someone I have only talked to online or someone new that is full of questions and its a wonderful feeling to know they are leaving feeling much more confident in the hobby and that they have a group to rely upon should they encounter a problem.