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The beer thread

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  • #46
    Lemme know how it works out, I'd like to try one where I get the fruity flavour and no pepper. I almost did it when I froze my green chile first but I still got the pepper in the back of the throat. That pepper flavour is a buzz kill for me as it's hard to drink and not a session beer.

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    • #47

      Siphoning off with priming sugar to bottle! Haven't tasted yet, been drinking ipa so I think I won't get full flavour lol. So long as it's not"off" at this stage im good.


      Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2


      • #48

        Done, holy **** I forgot what a chore bottling was!

        Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2


        • #49
          Ahhhh great : now get on board at :


          • #50
            haha yeah bottling takes me a good few hours since i normally have to clean/sanitize about 48 bottles. let us know how it turns out. i usually give a small taste as i go through each stage just to see how its going.

            my mango wheat has been in secondary about 2 weeks now...still a few weeks to go unless i add more puree. waiting is the hardest part of homebrewing...


            • #51
              I test at every step too. I had two issues
              1) My work area was low so my knees/back hurt
              2) My brand new bottling wizard leaked so I didn't have much time to pull a bottle, fill cap. It was a race against overflow

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              • #52
                Figured i would revive the beer thread a little. here are my updates since last time on what i brewed and results:

                1) Mango Wheat / Mango Jalapeno Wheat
                The jalapeno version got great reviews. only made 1 gal of it and the remaining 3.5 gal stayed without peppers. great jalapeno aroma, but no heat from the pepper. pepper flavor was by far the more dominant flavor, but still could taste the mango in the end. was light and refreshing. i may try it again next year in mango season, but dedicate an entire batch to it.

                sadly i had to dump most of the base mango wheat i bottled. i put too much priming sugar in forgetting it was only 3.5 gal instead of normal 5 gal. drank as much as i could before the bottles got to the point of overflow about 10 seconds after opening. live an learn

                2) Bourbon Barrel Chocolate Stout
                This one turned out fantastic. aged in secondary with oak chips that were pre-soaked for a month in bourbon. Nice smooth stout with a bourbon taste up front, and the chocolate flavor stays in the end. has the slight coffee undertones to it as well.

                3) Currently in fermentation is a variant of the stout recipe, but i am making a Peanut Butter Cup Stout...trying to essentially make a reeses cup flavor. i like to experiment

                4) Next brew will probably be more of a spring time beer since last few have been stouts. maybe a citrus hefeweizen or something


                • #53
                  Originally posted by morpheus View Post
                  Figured i would revive the beer thread a little. here are my updates since last time on what i brewed and results:

                  1) Mango Wheat / Mango Jalapeno Wheat
                  The jalapeno version got great reviews. only made 1 gal of it and the remaining 3.5 gal stayed without peppers. great jalapeno aroma, but no heat from the pepper. pepper flavor was by far the more dominant flavor, but still could taste the mango in the end. was light and refreshing. i may try it again next year in mango season, but dedicate an entire batch to it.

                  sadly i had to dump most of the base mango wheat i bottled. i put too much priming sugar in forgetting it was only 3.5 gal instead of normal 5 gal. drank as much as i could before the bottles got to the point of overflow about 10 seconds after opening. live an learn

                  2) Bourbon Barrel Chocolate Stout
                  This one turned out fantastic. aged in secondary with oak chips that were pre-soaked for a month in bourbon. Nice smooth stout with a bourbon taste up front, and the chocolate flavor stays in the end. has the slight coffee undertones to it as well.

                  3) Currently in fermentation is a variant of the stout recipe, but i am making a Peanut Butter Cup Stout...trying to essentially make a reeses cup flavor. i like to experiment

                  4) Next brew will probably be more of a spring time beer since last few have been stouts. maybe a citrus hefeweizen or something
                  You had me at "bourbon". Very interesting brews you've got there, best of luck with your new variants

                  "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."


                  • #54
                    Interesting technique for the bourbon, did it turn out sweet? I've had two bourbon beers and they where very girly in the sweet category. There is a Black Crack stout that's seasonal that is bourbon based that is supposed to be fantastic but I haven't tried it as people que outside the store and its gone quick.

                    Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by originalhandy View Post
                      Interesting technique for the bourbon, did it turn out sweet? I've had two bourbon beers and they where very girly in the sweet category. There is a Black Crack stout that's seasonal that is bourbon based that is supposed to be fantastic but I haven't tried it as people que outside the store and its gone quick.

                      Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2
                      it didnt find it sweet. the chocolate comes through in the after taste and lingers. i used dark bakers chocolate through the boil, so the excess sugars were probably worked out in primary. i dumped the chips and the bourbon soak straight into secondary. so there is about 7 oz of bourbon in the batch. got good reviews at the last brew-in the store held in october.

                      have not heard of that stout. will have to look around for it sometime.


                      • #56
                        +1 for Bourbon chocolate, it's the best of it's kind
                        Veterinary Technician Schools St. Louis


                        • #57
                          Sampled the first bottle of my "reeses stout" last night. Definitely get the up front PB flavor, which kind of stays in your mouth. slight chocolate. should mellow a bit over time, but not bad for an experiment.

                          pb stout.jpg
                          Bottling an orange honey wheat next week brewed with sweet orange peel and coriander (in primary now). see how it turns out. then maybe do a saison with the leftover hops from the honey wheat next. ginger/coriander? who knows.

                          can never be too much beer laying around i guess :)
                          Attached Files

