Folk, I've been asked by Trademan to post this item for him, due to my superior web skills I've recently acquired.....
Seriously, Roy and Heidi would like to offer 6 of the follow chase lounge's for sale to club members and or HFB members, I've seen these in person and they are nice. They retail for over a 100.00 at local stores, but for us they are only 25.00
There' only six of them folks, reserve one now before they go....Their number is listed under the GHAC forum thread.
Seriously, Roy and Heidi would like to offer 6 of the follow chase lounge's for sale to club members and or HFB members, I've seen these in person and they are nice. They retail for over a 100.00 at local stores, but for us they are only 25.00
There' only six of them folks, reserve one now before they go....Their number is listed under the GHAC forum thread.