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Camping in Texas

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  • Camping in Texas

    Share your Texas Camping expierence... I need ideas...

    I'm thinking about taking a camping trip, sometime this year, Due to my schedule I'm not gonna be able to leave Texas. Next year its South America!!!! WHOO HOOO!!!! Then I WOULD LOVE TO CAMP IN ALASKA...Not happening...YET...Anyone have any ideas, or is there a camping expert among us????

    This is alaska, hope someday I can go.

    But for now I would like...

    1- Lake or river
    2- Camp next to the lake or river (Like in the movies where people camp)
    3-Be able to drive up to the campsite.
    4-Be able to make a ground fire (not in a designated BBQ pit)
    5- State or National Park Preffered
    6- FISHING

    Dont want...

    1- Other People I can see and hear. ( I want to be ALONE )
    2- DESERT... I know I'm talking Texas, Trees and Lake/River would be nice...
    3- A Horror Movie Expierence!!!! ( Texas Chainsaw Massacar) No Boon-Dock Places.
    4- Camping in a "designated campsite" that has campsites right next to eachother.

    Pretty much what I am Looking for is an ALASKAN camping expieriece in Texas.... Im not talking about the snow and ski.... Alaskas actually one of the MOST scenic places during the Spring and summer...

    I want my camp site to look like this,

    Or this, just with a bigger river...
    Resident BUM !!!

  • #2
    Re: Camping in Texas

    It's been a while since I've been camping, but I used to go to
    at Lake Sam Rayburn.  There are several private campsites in the area as well.  The corps of engineers  location has some waterfront drive thru campsites and they did/do allow open campfires depending on the fire danger.  There are showers and other amenities available as well. It is a dry county if I remember correctly, right at the campsite but if you don't bring your own, adult beverages are not too far away.
    Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...


    • #3
      Re: Camping in Texas

      How about something practical ?
      Huntsville State Park is nearly empty Sun to Thur this time of year. So ,although it has marked campsites you could be alone. Plus you can get there in about an hour -for a "practice" campout.  It is cheap and has facilities so you could gradually work up to "roughing"it. You would hate to be in AK wilderness when you remembered ;string, saw, nails, candle,hatchet/hammer, etc. And it has alligators (not in AK), and bald eagles (like AK).
      And you can walk to my yard ( one mile from park boundary) and see some good Koi ,etc.


      • #4
        Re: Camping in Texas

        For some reason I got an issue of Backpacker or something like that in the time I head over to the shop I'll bring it along.
        700g Mini-Monster tank


        • #5
          Re: Camping in Texas

          hey Mike
          You can camp in our back pasture.     Promise there are wild animals & one fuzzy mini horse.    Small pond, can build fire, will "lock" up all children under 18, & my neighbors if they do look won"t tell   8O   LOL   They will just think they had abit too much & are imagining it all.    :smokin:    
          Besides if you hate it I can leave the guest house door unlocked when the mosquitoes try to eat you there's a place of refuge.
          "There will come a time when you have a chance to do the right thing."
          "I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by. "
          -Dead Man's Chest


          • #6
            Re: Camping in Texas

            Originally posted by justdoit";p="
            hey Mike
            You can camp in our back pasture.     Promise there are wild animals & one fuzzy mini horse.    Small pond, can build fire, will "lock" up all children under 18, & my neighbors if they do look won"t tell   8O   LOL   They will just think they had abit too much & are imagining it all.    :smokin:    
            Besides if you hate it I can leave the guest house door unlocked when the mosquitoes try to eat you there's a place of refuge.
            This sounds like fun!
            700g Mini-Monster tank


            • #7
              Re: Camping in Texas

              mikes  u gonna go brokeback mountain on us?


              • #9
                Re: Camping in Texas

                dang Keith, I think your the one going brokeback on us. Have you been camping lately?? Never mind dont wanna know!!


                • #10
                  Re: Camping in Texas



                  • #11
                    Re: Camping in Texas

                    NAAAHHHH, I SAID I WOULD TELL EVERYBODY THATS WHY U DIDNT WANT TO TAKE ME!! DONT YOU REMEMBER??? Maybe its because I hit you up side the head when you told me what you were up to!! It okay man, I wont tell anybody else you are a cowboy, or that you like camping, Ive got nothing against you! We are all just people trying to get along, I wont hate on ya or treat you wrong!! :)


                    • #12
                      Re: Camping in Texas

                      All this testosteron is getting me all worked up....i love it when you guys use caps....lets go campin boys......   :wink:  

                      Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


                      • #13
                        Re: Camping in Texas

                        I aint goin campin with noone any more.  cesar just admitted that he hit me up side the head, took advantage of me and then left me.


                        • #14
                          Re: Camping in Texas

                          I love it rough like that.....ummmmm.....

                          Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


                          • #15
                            Re: Camping in Texas

                            Oh, man... What did I start....

                            I think Im Justgonnadoit in justdoit's backyard and cantdoitkid can justdoit with me. HAHA sorry Virginia I just had to say it like that!!!

                            ( And, guys im talking about camping for all you dirty folk out there )

                            Thanks for the info guys keep em coming... And shane I still need to call you. I did not forget.
                            Resident BUM !!!

