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Why are things costing more?

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  • #16
    Re: Why are things costing more?

    i will say this.....
    if you look at the history of our so called great government you would see that even when we vote it's futile.....they have it all planned on who's going to win and who isn't. ....and if by chance the neocon's convince you that "yes, this is what we need" and you vote for their puppet then the population seems to sit back and sigh okay he's in and we're going to be okay.....
    well i'm here to tell you folks, that if you really look at history, every time we are so called headed into "recession" we go to war....and i mean every time....well except when John F. Kennedy said "NO" and well we know what that got him now don't we.....
    the bottom line peeps is that they want a war...doesn't have to be for any purpose other than to gain more control over oil and money.....and from the looks of things we're headed that we all need to be very afraid.....if we go to war with Iran then you can surely kiss all that we have and know goodbye.....and God help those of us who have any kind of debt....
    and i tell you .....owning a gun isn't going to help you one bit when the NWO comes into your house and takes them from you.....rather it be by you surrendering it willfully or they peel it out of your cold dead hands.....if they want them they can surely get them.....there's nowhere to run from the inevitable....


    • #17
      Re: Why are things costing more?

      Well at least we know who to go to for medical care when it all goes down
      All men are created equal but his choices determine his value and what's in his heart determines his worth.

      "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end"


      • #18
        Re: Why are things costing more?

        I say we all move to Mexico and work for $5 a day...


        • #19
          Re: Why are things costing more?

          I don't know about all this talk makes me want to put my tinfoil hat on!
          700g Mini-Monster tank


          • #20
            Re: Why are things costing more?

            yeah....i say that's a great idea ek.....come stand over here near all those microwave towers.....the storm should be moving in and won't have to worry about if you have enough of anything.....



            • #21
              Re: Why are things costing more?

              Silly all is soooooooo funny, make me laff a long time you do.....

              Nah, not much going to change this run a way train, except maybe a massive dose of common sense. Which we all know is in very short supply in the US these days.....nope....stick the fork in us....we're done.... :(
              Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


              • #22
                Re: Why are things costing more?


                You just need more fish.   8)


                • #23
                  Re: Why are things costing more?

                  You mean go fishing more.....yes yes.....I agree..... :)

                  Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


                  • #24
                    Re: Why are things costing more?

                    i agree with that concept myself....... :)


                    • #25
                      Re: Why are things costing more?

                      Hmmm... you can't use hi tech short life goods to measure the economy. Nor can you use the price of gas. Consumer electronics are priced high at first because they can be. The very rich "must-haves" will pay any price. Then the price falls as progressively lower income people are the target market. Meanwhile the next best thing is already on the market. This became a truism for PC technology, continued through DVD, Progressive SCan, Blue Ray, and is at its height with cell phones (with people paying to upgrade on average every 8 months!).

                      Oil is used by consumers as a necessity, and yet priced as a commodity. No other commodity is like it. No other product is like it. For example, when the cost of pig iron goes up, the steel companies struggle to compete. The price of its raw material climbs and it profits struggle unless it can become more efficient. However when the price of crude oil goes up, the oil companies make ever and ever greater profits. If you want to pay less in gas money, use a more fuel efficient car, don't trust Alaska to the oil companies!

                      In the US, we have become so reliant on personal vehicles, particularly in Texas. We have no mass transit to speak off (well we have a crap light rail which goes from where no one lives to where no one works). We buy huge off raod vehicles and then sit in traffic averaging 20 mph over the whole journey made up of short 50 mph sprints and long periods not moving.

                      Opening up oil fields in US territory works like this. The upstream end of the oil company has to find it and drill for it. The costs are horrifying. However with price over $100 per barrell it looks like a good deal. As cheap crude runs into the market, OPEC wnats to compete. They have done their upstream piece, and have recovered their costs. They can drop their price very low. Our oils companies now struggle to recoup their investment. They lose profit margin and pay less corporate taxes. They lay people off, and their share prices fall. The only thing they can do is keep the price high downstream at the pump. All of these things ultimately impact us, the taxpayer and consumer.

                      Way better is to become less reliant on the oil. Use our brains to find other better ways to generate energy, move oursleves around. When we don't need oil so bad, watch waht happens to OPEC, to the power of the Middle East instability and to the need to send our kids to die to keep the region stable. One thing that drives me nuts is that my sub-division prevents me from having solar panels! IDIOTS! It should be compulsory! Its frikkin Texas! Don't we have a glut of sunshine!!

                      My other hobby?Vroom![b]


                      • #26
                        Re: Why are things costing more?

                        Less than 100 years ago, the majority of the people in this country had never been more than 50 miles from their home, used a hand pump to get clean drinking water and lit a fire or candle to read news that was weeks old.
                        Now we drive more that 50 miles a day, drink bottled water because the ground water has chemicals in it, and go online to read the news as it happens.

                        How come we have to have it faster, better, newer ?
                        'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust ...'
                        He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four-year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'


                        • #27
                          Re: Why are things costing more?

                          While I understand your points the fact of the matter is that even at $300 a barrel, the well to wheel cost and efficiency makes fossil fuels the best choice economically for consumers as well as corporations. The cost benefit analysis on delivering bio fuels and Hybrid vehicles shows that  they are both much less efficient and cost prohibitive. The cost associated with disposal of hybrid vehicles is also a secondary prohibitive expense. That said, bio fuels and Hybrids are really just "Feel Good" solutions to appease a minority of consumers and politicians in order to offer an impractical solution to finding an alternative and to receive tax breaks. These are not practical solutions until we run out of crude oil which is going to be no less the the next 100 years.

                          Also, we as a nation could be self sufficient. With current technology we could harvest the Alaskan oil fields without impacting the terrain. The oil industry has made great advances since the 80's and can be in and out without a trace.

                          I also realize non of this takes into consideration what impact there might be on the economy regarding new technology and industry but purely based on efficiency and cost, fossil fuels are the right answer for the next several generations. We need to reduce our reliance on foreign oil
                          All men are created equal but his choices determine his value and what's in his heart determines his worth.

                          "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end"


                          • #28
                            Re: Why are things costing more?

                            Seems to me that everything cost more, due to inflation of the dollar. I mean I know I listen to too much alex jones, but it dosen't take rocket science to understand that there is only so much money available, and that in order to make ends meet, our government has to print more money to meet our nations needs and obligations.
                            Well, if you just print more money, then isn't the money already in use, actually worth less? Isn't the dollar supposed to represent a amount of gold or silver of equal value? I guess I should sign up for an economics class and get educated before spreading my opinions all over the internet huh?  :)

                            Oh well, back to the fish.....

                            Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


                            • #29
                              Re: Why are things costing more?

                              Don't blame me. I voted Democrat :!:  
                              PLECOS SUCK!



                              • #30
                                Re: Why are things costing more?

                                I am not proposing we use hybrids..I mean one of the biggest jokes in the world has to be a huge SUV with a hybrid power plant!!! Its akin to a triple patty cheese and bacon burger and a diet coke! I mean the cost to produce and eventually dispose of hybrids and electris is horrific. And for pure electrics, the electricity still has to come from somewhere.

                                We could be self sufficient. Would that change anything? The UK is a net exporter of crude oil (while the US is a net importer), and gas isn't exactly cheap there.  But face it. A lot of people could telecommute, freeing up the roads for people who can't. People could drive cars with smaller engines, but everyday I sit in traffic next to Hummers, Excursions and V8 trucks each with one person on board. I am not saying to ban vehicles like that, but to give tax incentives for buying them is just the wrong message. In the UK the cost per gallon pre tax is the about the same as it is here. It is heavily taxed. You can drive whatever you want (we don't even have a gas guzzler tax over there), but you sure gonna pay for the priviledge. The message is very clear - you wnat to spend less on gas each week? Change your driving habits, change your car and think about your journeys.

                                I could easily run my fridges, and fish tanks on a solar panel. Let me have half my roof as solar panel and I could keep my house cool. Then the factories and hospitals can have the energy I don't use, offsetting cost. Solar panels are expensive. So would glass fiber shingles if only a few were made.

                                I am not against using Alaskan oil so long as we don't have to trust the oil companies to get it out. Their track record is terrible. I worked for them for years, and my wife still does. (yeah we feel like whores, working for the devil!). The stuff we see on TV about preserving nature and investing in renewable energy is just pure bollocks - all marketing hype).

                                My other hobby?Vroom![b]

