I've been reading ya'lls posts since I got back on here and I'm just blown away at how kind and wonderful you all are.
When I see people losing tanks to whatever disaster, some times even through their own mistakes or bad choices along with their water babies, and the way you all jump in and offer to loan tanks, give fish, plants...just whatever it is that a member needs to recover, I swear it makes me all mushy inside.
I've never meet a group as fine as you all are. One of these days I do want to meet as many of you as I can. But look out because I'm a hugger and I come from a long like of them so it's in the genes.
I wish you all could know what you've done to my heart. It's so full of respect and affection towards you that it might pop.
You Wonderful People!:kissu:
When I see people losing tanks to whatever disaster, some times even through their own mistakes or bad choices along with their water babies, and the way you all jump in and offer to loan tanks, give fish, plants...just whatever it is that a member needs to recover, I swear it makes me all mushy inside.

I've never meet a group as fine as you all are. One of these days I do want to meet as many of you as I can. But look out because I'm a hugger and I come from a long like of them so it's in the genes.

You Wonderful People!:kissu: