I need as many volunteers as I can get to shut down the store. Its going to be alot of work, any help would be greatly appreciated. Theres so much to be done, from the big heavy things all the way down to grabbing small items around the shop. So ANY ONE can help and it would be GREATLY APPRECIATED !!!
I will be getting all the fish out this week so I can be ready to tear down this Saturday and Sunday. I hope to be done with everything by Sunday night. Please help any day you can, or BOTH !!!
Please let me know what day you can help, and what you can bring so that I can plan ahead.
Things that I Need;
-Trucks, if you have it, please bring it! Storage is 5mins away from store, it would be great help, however I cannot compensate for gas.
-Water hoses
-Drain pumps
-Moving boxes
-And most importantly... PEOPLE
Things that need to be done on,
Saturday, May 10, 2008
-Draining tanks
-Take all rocks out of the tanks
-Boxing all supplies and hardware
-Disassemble the rack system
-Taking everything except the rack system to storage (at my house)
Sunday, May 11, 2008
-Take rack system to storage
I will be getting all the fish out this week so I can be ready to tear down this Saturday and Sunday. I hope to be done with everything by Sunday night. Please help any day you can, or BOTH !!!
Please let me know what day you can help, and what you can bring so that I can plan ahead.
Things that I Need;
-Trucks, if you have it, please bring it! Storage is 5mins away from store, it would be great help, however I cannot compensate for gas.
-Water hoses
-Drain pumps
-Moving boxes
-And most importantly... PEOPLE
Things that need to be done on,
Saturday, May 10, 2008
-Draining tanks
-Take all rocks out of the tanks
-Boxing all supplies and hardware
-Disassemble the rack system
-Taking everything except the rack system to storage (at my house)
Sunday, May 11, 2008
-Take rack system to storage