I'd like to find some good homes for my larger Brevis fry. I have maybe 15 or so that can be moved now, and more growing up quickly. If you would like to have a trio, please send me a pm or call me if you have my number.
I must insist, that you have a "friendly" environment for these guys to grow up in, but later when they reach maturity, they can take care of them selves pretty good and can be moved into a semi aggressive tank, no huge meat eaters though please.
Those of you who can provide them a good home will take them home for free.... :)
Fishlady, you have first dibbs of course.
Fishboyt, you might enjoy raising a trio, if you have the room? Let me know.
I must insist, that you have a "friendly" environment for these guys to grow up in, but later when they reach maturity, they can take care of them selves pretty good and can be moved into a semi aggressive tank, no huge meat eaters though please.
Those of you who can provide them a good home will take them home for free.... :)
Fishlady, you have first dibbs of course.
Fishboyt, you might enjoy raising a trio, if you have the room? Let me know.