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  • #46

    he is so gorgeous. I hope he continues to improve. My cats like to lay on my tanks as well.  :)
    2 75s, 125,55,25 and 14 gallon tank


    • #47

      Originally posted by JStrider";p="
      that story about the cat in the refridgerator is pretty funny!  my cats like to go in there sometimes as well.  Several times one of my cats will sneak into the closet behind my back, and then will get closed in all day while I'm at work.   Its always the cat that is outside that is worried about the one in the closet.... when I open the closet door they're always curled up sleeping on the top shelf...
      Similar things have happened to my cats. There have been times I have found Hito or Pleco locked in the closet or bathroom (forbidden places for them) when I have returned from work. Those areas are so tempting to them, they try to dart in when the door is open. Pleco is especially fascinated with water in the tub going down the drain. The bathroom is off limits as the cats have either shredded the toilet paper or I've come come to find toilet paper streamers everywhere and the rest of the roll soaking in their water dish. The closet is off limits as they have pulled my shirts of the hangers before. Such naughty kitties!


      • #48

        Well, finally back from the vet again.  Me and Xan hung out in the exam room for 3 hours.  His fever has been gone since about 10am, and me and the doc had a little chat.  We decided that Xan would probably do better if he were to come home with me.  I can give him his antibiotics orally, and he only eats for me, so this is the route we are going to take...I think.  Things are always subject to change.  She is going to run one more set of labs and if they are still stable at 4pm, I get to head up to bring my boy home!
        Our Fishhouse
        Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


        • #49

          I was thinking he might do better if he was home also. That would be great news if you get to take him home tonight. I hope all the test come back good.
          A house without a puffer is not a Home.


          • #50

            He's staying another night.  His billirubin went back up to 1.6.  He's being treated by a feline specialist now.  I'm bummed.
            Our Fishhouse
            Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


            • #51
              Re: **UPDATE** WHAT IS GOING ON WITH OUR PETS???

              My heart goes out to you. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that he can come home tomorrow.
              A house without a puffer is not a Home.


              • #52
                Re: **UPDATE** WHAT IS GOING ON WITH OUR PETS???

                I'm sorry you couldn't take him home.  I hope that the feline specialist has him good as new in no time.



                • #53
                  Re: **UPDATE** WHAT IS GOING ON WITH OUR PETS???

                  I actually just got off the phone with her.  Before I'd left the hospital, and after talking to the specialist, we decided to go an entirely different route with Xander.  Obviously the path we were on was not giving us consistent results.  

                  She said that we should get an ultrasound of his liver, kidneys, pancreas, and spleen.  I told her to do whatever she needed to do...just fix him.  The untrasound showed nothing wrong.  She told me that she was never onboard with the original diagnosis of the parasite.   :?  So since his blood tests kept bouncing all over the place, she wanted to try some different options.  She did some studying and then ran her thoughts by the Chief.  They both agreed that starting him on some steroids was a good plan of attack.  She admitted that they still don't have a solid diagnosis, and honestly doesn't think they will, but feels like the steroids are helping.  She also prescribed 'environmental stimulation'.  :)  That means she's put him in a room instead of a cage and they all take turns playing with him and brushing him...he even got some catnip.  I sure like her!

                  She comes back in tomorrow at noon and will run tests and send him home.  I'm taking him tomorrow no matter what.
                  Our Fishhouse
                  Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


                  • #54
                    Re: **UPDATE** WHAT IS GOING ON WITH OUR PETS???

                    Sounds good, I believe they are making progress...

                    Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


                    • #55
                      Re: **UPDATE** WHAT IS GOING ON WITH OUR PETS???

                      Sounds like he's on vaction  :wink: .........I am so glad to hear that he's coming home today. I think you and Xan will both feel better once he's home.
                      A house without a puffer is not a Home.


                      • #56
                        Re: **UPDATE** WHAT IS GOING ON WITH OUR PETS???

                        somehow this must be a test of endurance traci....
                        i really pray he gets better for you soon and you can take him home....
                        home it seems has a magical touch for the healing process.....and of course mom's can't hurt by loving on them more so too....

                        my prayers are with you and xan......


                        • #57
                          Re: **UPDATE** WHAT IS GOING ON WITH OUR PETS???

                          I'm being tested alright.    :)   I called a few minutes ago to check on him and he's not happy again.  I heard him meowing in the background...he never uses his voice...he chirps.  So Dr. Cornilius comes back in at noon and is going to run his PCV, Bilirubin, and ALT again.  They said I should call back at 1pm.  I'm thinking I'm going to just go up there.  I've been up there so much that they don't even ask me to wait when I walk in.  They just tell me to go to the exam room and they'll bring me Xander. :)  He's coming home today.  Not because they've said it's okay yet, but because he needs to be home.  I figure I can take him back in for labs or whatever, but he needs to sleep here and be with us.

                          Something mom told me yesterday that she's decided she doesn't want any grandkids because the stress of Xander being so sick has been too much and she just couldn't take it if she had a grandkid who got sick.  
                          Our Fishhouse
                          Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


                          • #58
                            Re: **UPDATE** WHAT IS GOING ON WITH OUR PETS???

                            Funny, my mom calls the fish grandfishies and the cats grandkitties. The fry are called great grandfishies.
                            A house without a puffer is not a Home.


                            • #59
                              Re: **UPDATE** WHAT IS GOING ON WITH OUR PETS???

                              My mother sent me a check for $35 and in the memo it said "for the kids".  Being 1400 miles away, it is very hard on my mother if any of us are sick....or hurting.  My mother is tripping because I am going through this pain management program, 8-4:30 for 20 days.  She was upset knowing one of the babies she has never met was ill.  My mother and I have our issues when we spend too much time together, let alone her knowing I have someone sick living with me.  My mother sees the negative in anything, and believe it or not, I am way more laid back than she is.  She knows how attached I am to my "kids".  My mother said that anyone one would blessed to be one of my babies.  All of the animals are top priority here.  Those of you who get my fish know I am attached to them.  Those of you who know me, know my friends are important as well. I feel very very special having this forum....the people I have met here, and the bonds that have been formed. I hope health finds its way to everyone...and every baby that has been stricken.  As humble as it made me to ask for help, I know that there are times when karma turns its wonderful head.  To the geeks... we are all here for you.  Please accept our prayers and if you need anything, please ask.
                              5.5 fw fluval chi - class N top bar snake chested endlers/ red marble bn/ 4 stripe RCS/ pumpkin shrimp
                              20 sw cube - a few damsels and a colony of bristleworms
                              29 fw - self cloning crayfish..which can't seem to clone haha
                              29 fw - mollies / albino bristlenose / ghost shrimp and snowball shrimp/ glo danios
                              29 fw - crs/ amano/tiger shrimp /assassins/ whiptails/ plants/ 3 emerald cories
                              55 fw - steatocranus casaurius (20ish)/ tetras/ rainbows/large Jack Dempsey
                              75 fw - large Jack Dempseys / pictus cat/ yoyo loach/ Red gippicep
                              / 10+" oscar/ parrot


                              • #60
                                Re: **UPDATE** WHAT IS GOING ON WITH OUR PETS???


                                Xander is home!!  

                                Tomorrow we go back in to have bloodwork done, plus we have 5 weeks worth of meds, plus a followup with our regular vet at the end of July, but WE ARE HOME!!

                                If you don't hear from me for a while it's because I'm snuggling Xan.  
                                Our Fishhouse
                                Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.

