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  • Shipping

    If someone owns a business that ships live animals all over the world, and a prospective customer lives in the same city as said owner, could someone please help me to understand why pick-up is not available? I'm not complaining, but sincerely wondering the logic behind this, because I can only see it from my (the customer's) prospective. Isn't it true that shipping living things is stressful to them? Wouldn't one who cared about the particular living thing rather NOT ship it? Especially if it is to be shipped within the city, while the customer who would gladly drive to the location to obtain this living thing is sitting at home waiting for the doorbell to ring?
    I have never owned a business, so maybe I am missing something? Maybe the extra money for shipping covers some expense that is not included in the price of the living thing? I feel frustrated because I don't get it! So anyone out there who can help me to understand, please do!! Thanks.
    "Millennium hand and shrimp!"

  • #2
    Re: Shipping

    I ususally have fish shipped in several times a year and most of the time I pay the exact shipping charges and the shipper makes no money on the shipping. The only possible reason I can think of for not allowing pick up would be that they are not set up for customers on site, or they do not want you to see the conditions the animals are kept in.


    • #3
      Re: Shipping

      Well it could be a zoning thing if they are operating out of their home. Or maybe if you were operating out of an apartment, you wouldn't really want the landlords to know what you were up to. Maybe they're not supposed to be operating a business where they live, so they don't want lots of people showing up all the time. Or maybe they are reclusive and don't want to talk to people face to face. :)



      • #4
        Re: Shipping

        I agree entirely Mary Beth.  Seems a little sketchy to me y u wouldn't be allowed to just go and pick up the animal(s), so there seems to be some sort of ulterior motive on the part of the seller.  

        If this is in reference to Rehoboth Aquatics, I did notice that the contact address there is a PO Box, not an actual physical address.  This could indicate that the seller runs his/her business from home and doesn't want customers to know where he/she lives, which would explain y pick-up wouldn't be an option.  But if I had my business set up that way and a customer really wanted to do a pickup, I would maybe try to arrange to meet somewhere (tho this would seem even more sketchy, like some sort of underground pet trade or something haha).  

        But ya, u could try askin if the seller could meet u somewhere, but I dunno if he/she'd give in to that.  I think the best way to find out if there's a way to avoid shipping is to try to understand y the business only does shipping in the first place.  Be cautious if u decide to ask the seller straight-up tho, he/she might think ur prying.  U'll prolly have to finesse it a bit.


        • #5
          Re: Shipping

          he/she is running a business out of his/her house and it is probably against the neighborhood deed restrictions

          some HOAs have draconian rules and enforce them strictly so that's prolly what's going on herre


          • #6
            Re: Shipping

            Thanks, guys. I've thought of these things, too. The only problem is this person is quite well known in this particular category, and people recommend this person often to others, saying that the animals are in wonderful shape when they arrive, etc. etc.

            I don't want to ask about the "policy" because it's hard to do so without coming across as rude, ya know? Oh well. I'm tending to lean towards the reclusive person suggestion, maybe he/she just prefers not talking. Or maybe he's Batman.
            "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


            • #7
              Re: Shipping

              Okay, wow, I submitted that and then saw that there were two more responses.

              Yeah, that's probably it. I dunno. Just seems strange to me, I guess. I wish these guys didn't have to be shipped!  :(  Poop. And Chris, I was thinking about the option of meeting somewhere, but yeah, that might sound even more strange! I guess I just have to suck it up and deal with it!

              Thanks again for the responses.
              "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


              • #8
                Re: Shipping

                Even Batman has a sociable alter ego  


                • #9
                  Re: Shipping


                  They are may not be setup to welcome customers. Could be insurance reasons.

                  They may not have time to meet with customers.

                  They may not want to break procedure. They have a working model and don't want to divert.

                  They don't want people to know their physical location, because they may not want to deal with customers face to face. (see time statement above)

                  If you really want to know, just ask exactly why they don't allow pick-ups. There is nothing rude about it. As a business owner, you set certain policies in place for a reason and you must expect those policies to be questioned at some point in time.

                  Just some thoughts...


                  • #10
                    Re: Shipping

                    If it is the business some one mentioned, on their website they mention that they sell to lfs in the Houston area and do not want conflict by selling retail to people that live in the area that the lfs they sell to would normally have as customers. Sounds like they have some ethics, not wanting to compete with their customers. If that is the case, walk in customers could very well be a conflict of interest. I try to do the same thing with my fish, I will not sell to people who live in areas that are covered by lfs that I sell to. I let people come by and visit my hatchery and we talk fish, but I do not sell retail to them, unless they live in a place that is not serviced by one of my customers. I have had people come down from Dallas and in from Louisiana and I have sold them fish, but some local customers who only want to buy a few fish, could cost me an lfs that buys hundreds of fish from me every year.
                    GIVE NONE, TAKE NONE - BE FREE, HAVE FUN


                    • #11
                      Re: Shipping

                      good point Obed


                      • #12
                        Re: Shipping

                        Right, I read that as well. I was under the impression that it meant they would sell to you only if the particular fish was not available in your area. But keep in mind, I'm not complaining! I was just asking, looking for ideas that I couldn't think of. It was more hypothetical than specific. But thanks all of you for the input. I get it a bit more now.  
                        "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                        • #13
                          Re: Shipping

                          Another option that we seem to be overlooking is that the buissness in question may be a drop shipment retailer. A drop shipper takes the order, adds a small markup in the cost, then expedites the order. In effect, he acts as your agent in fullfilling your needs. If this is the case, then it would make perfect sense for him not to take walk-ins, there is nothing for a walk in to see.
                          Consider my posts as general information based on personal experiences, and in most cases, far oversimplified. Actual mileage may vary. Don't try this at home. If symptoms persist, contact your physician.

