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A bit of Irony

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  • A bit of Irony

    Headlines taken from the homepage of MSN today.....


    and then two lines under that headline in the money section.....


    Now we know how much I like to bash the fat cats on top of the food chain there in the oil industry, but trust me, I had nothing to do with todays headlines.... :)

    Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.

  • #2
    Re: A bit of Irony

    Seems to be a lot of hating going on....
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      Re: A bit of Irony

      well at least you are usually right when it comes to talking about fish related topics...... :P

      Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


      • #4
        Re: A bit of Irony

        I guess if you only follow mainstream media you would be ignorant.
        Micheal Eisner took ALL two BBBillion of Disneys profits the last year he was there; members of the board had been trying to get rid of him for years because of the poor performance of Disney corp. He is a hero in the media .
        An oil exec gets a bonus ( a very small fraction of Eisners "bonus") that is so small compared to corp profit, you have to look in the 3rd decimal place, and he is getting too much?????? He had to deal with lazy muslims to get production rights; he had to deal with the muslims to get a small fraction of the profit. Or he has to deal with lying Russians to get production rights , then deal with them again to get what they agreed to in a signed contract-then the Russians changed their minds (Look up how BP is, now , trying to get a fraction of what Russia agreed (( BP does not have good management)). And he has to deal with Chavez, after the oil company goes into the jungle, drills wells, finds oil, builds plants and pipelines, then he has to try to talk Chavez out of stealing the equipment ( and  Chavez stole it anyway.
        Then the oil exec has to deal with Democrat to get permits to produce oil in the US, (but still no permits).
        So if one intelligent and objective , the oil execs don't get enough.


        • #5
          Re: A bit of Irony

          I find it funny that one would constantly complain about another making money but so sure that the complaint would not be made if the tables turned.
          700g Mini-Monster tank


          • #6
            Re: A bit of Irony

            What I find more ironic is NOT the bonuses the Oil Execs get but the fact that the Financial sector is where the biggest issues are today and over half of the top 20 highest paid CEO's in the world are heads of Financial Institutions. There is only 1 true Oil CEO in the top 20. Also, the second dominating group in this club are CEO's of Prescription Drug companies. I don't see meds getting cheaper.

            It's very easy to complain for some people. Me personally, I am glad to see that intelligent, hard working, motivated people can earn unlimited amounts of money if they put their mind to it. It motivates me.

            Lastly, even better... If you feel like you are getting screwed by big oil companies, you can quit buying so much of their product by carpooling, buying a hybrid, converting to biofuel/biodesiel or just plain using public transportation. None of us are "Forced" to live outside the city and drive trucks and use fossil fuel daily, it's a "Choice". Let's all just take responsability for our own choices and quit looking to blame others.
            All men are created equal but his choices determine his value and what's in his heart determines his worth.

            "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end"


            • #7
              Re: A bit of Irony

              8O ..........whoooooa....
              it's not the fact that these fat cats are making's the fact that the little people are suffering for their benefit.....
              i have a great career in the medical field and i make good money....but there's just no excuse for the fat cats fattening their wallets while the little people have to pay such high prices for gas....let's take a poll and ask them how many times a week they eat hamburger meat instead of rib eye's???.....or chicken instead of pheasant under glass.....
              don't make it into something bigger than what cichlidfan is trying to point's not the fact they make's the fact that they are allowing issues to stand that make it hard for the little people....
              and i beg to differ with our "choices"....some of the people have no choice...they can't afford hybrid cars....or other forms of transportation when they live in areas that have don't be judgemental in the's not what your trying to turn it into you's just a fact of matter......sheeeesh.....


              • #8
                Re: A bit of Irony

                The true fact of the matter is that these "Fat Cat" Oil execs have no responsibility to serve you or anyone but their shareholders. They have a fiduciary responsibility to serve their shareholders the best they can and they do that by turning a profit by hocking their wares. You turn a profit and you get a bonus. As long as consumers are willing to purchase your product you have the ability to set pricing for your product to serve the one and only group of people a corporation is accountable to... the shareholders. And by the way, who cares if they eat well...GOOD FOR THEM. They are doing their jobs well and being rewarded for it. If you don't like it CHOOSE (take responsibility for yourself) not to buy their product. Go buy a bicycle.

                Go buy stock in an oil company and offset your expenses through investments.

                And for the record, it was FINANCIAL STOCKS that took a hit, not Oil.

                I'm personally sick of the lousy state of health care and the high prices associated with it but I'm not here whining about it in nauseating unending despair that nobody else will fix it for me. I suck it up and try to be healthier and responsible for myself.
                All men are created equal but his choices determine his value and what's in his heart determines his worth.

                "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end"


                • #9
                  Re: A bit of Irony

                  oh nevermind....point flew over like a 747.....
                  but i'm glad your healthy....then i won't have to have you as a patient then......


                  • #10
                    Re: A bit of Irony

                    No, your point was just lost about 12 months worth of whining ago
                    All men are created equal but his choices determine his value and what's in his heart determines his worth.

                    "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end"


                    • #11
                      Re: A bit of Irony

                      The headline doesn't surprise me...the liberal media will go to all means to villainize the oil companies and their execs.
                      People have to make tough choices in all areas of life. Why are we not outraged by other industries as well?
                      Maybe we could be mad at the liberals who prevent us from tapping our own resources in the name of environmentalism?
                      If you want prices to go down one very simple thing has to happen....
                      Government has to step out of the way completely where energy is concerned. This would serve to:
                      1) Lower (tremendously) the overhead for the oil companies
                      2) Increase supply (basic economics takes over from here)
                      3) Lessen our need to acquiesce to the desires of the Muslim (and Venezuela) nations who want us dead
                      4) Make nuclear power accessible (and don't give me the BS about that....those companies don't want people dead any more than you do)

                      Why be mad at the best and the brightest for using their skills for an almost insurmountable task put before them? If you don't want them to make as much, make the job easier. If I have to choose between us and the caribou (which I don't....but for the sake of arguement)....guess which one I choose? If you really want to kick start the economy, in a tremendous way, abolish the EPA.
                      Charles Jones

                      A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
                      Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


                      • #12
                        Re: A bit of Irony

                        The point of my post was in the title of the thread folks.......

                        as for the comment...."And for the record, it was FINANCIAL STOCKS that took a hit, not Oil."  Did you not see that in my original post my was part of it, it was there in caps, cut and pasted from MSN home page. That was the IRONY, but I guess it was not that ironic to some of you.

                        I do regret how some folks here on the box seem to feel it's their responsibility to stand up for those who have been the target of my "hatred", when in fact, there is no hatred involved. It's merely a fact of life, the rich get richer......etc.  If I wanna sit here and point out a bit of irony regarding my favorite political punching bag, so be it....I'm going to suck it up now and go put another $80.00 in my V8 Chevy Truck and get ready for the weekend... :)

                        Do try to not let my meaningless comments ruin yours.....

                        Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


                        • #13
                          Re: A bit of Irony

                          :clap: .................. :dance:
                          whooooooooohooooooooo weekend......and v8's..............


                          • #14
                            Re: A bit of Irony

                            It could have been could have  been Delock commenting    
                            (ducks and covers)
                            Charles Jones

                            A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
                            Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


                            • #15
                              Re: A bit of Irony

                              And there in itself lyes the true irony and hypocrisy. As a share holder in big oil and the child and grandchild of oil executive "Fat Cats". Thank you for your purchase of fuel and your V8. Ya'll make sure to fill up the boat a couple times too, Fishlady made me hungry for Prime Rib this weekend.
                              All men are created equal but his choices determine his value and what's in his heart determines his worth.

                              "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end"

