1. There can never be too many fish groups.
2. CAK is now part of the English language.
3. Coconut shells can be used as a means of transportation.
4. Some people are ok with rising gasoline prices.
5. Pleco bidding wars at auctions have to potential for violence!
6. Flipflops are not only the most commonly used footwear, they can be used as lethal weapons.
7. Fish owners are mostly Republicans.
8. The most responsible pet owners get their dogs and cats neutered, but the fish are encouraged to breed.
9. There are decent LFS in Houston still!
10. Cat toys, kitchen utensils, drinking straws, and egg crates can be used in aquaria.
11. A fishing license is required to scoop gambusia from the local ditch.
12. Asking someone to bring the soy sauce will get you being accused of being racist.
13. Undressing in front of your fish leads to their blindness.
14. Fish should NEVER be taken into the restroom.
15. Live shrimp are more expensive than their frozen counterparts.
16. Consumption of beer leads to karaoke.
17. Bratwurst is an addicting food!
18. Television sets do not belong at the front counter of a LFS.
19. If you own or manage a LFS, pay your electric bills!
20. Many fish store employees are USUALLY related!
21. "Belenesox" is a fish whose name should not be spoken!
22. Many fish owners play with guns.
hmm, what else?.....
2. CAK is now part of the English language.
3. Coconut shells can be used as a means of transportation.
4. Some people are ok with rising gasoline prices.
5. Pleco bidding wars at auctions have to potential for violence!
6. Flipflops are not only the most commonly used footwear, they can be used as lethal weapons.
7. Fish owners are mostly Republicans.
8. The most responsible pet owners get their dogs and cats neutered, but the fish are encouraged to breed.
9. There are decent LFS in Houston still!
10. Cat toys, kitchen utensils, drinking straws, and egg crates can be used in aquaria.
11. A fishing license is required to scoop gambusia from the local ditch.
12. Asking someone to bring the soy sauce will get you being accused of being racist.
13. Undressing in front of your fish leads to their blindness.
14. Fish should NEVER be taken into the restroom.
15. Live shrimp are more expensive than their frozen counterparts.
16. Consumption of beer leads to karaoke.
17. Bratwurst is an addicting food!
18. Television sets do not belong at the front counter of a LFS.
19. If you own or manage a LFS, pay your electric bills!
20. Many fish store employees are USUALLY related!
21. "Belenesox" is a fish whose name should not be spoken!
22. Many fish owners play with guns.
hmm, what else?.....