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  • #46
    Re: politics

    :chatterbox:  :chatterbox:  :chatterbox:  :chatterbox:  :chatterbox:  :chatterbox:


    • #47
      Re: politics

      Charles....stop before you dig a hole to deep to come out of..

      What you trying to do is go by titles...instead of leadership!

      You lost this one just face it...(can you understand my english now?)


      • #48
        Re: politics

        A senator is a representative of the people...I'm truly sorry that you can't grasp that concept. It's not about the title of a's about the responsibilities and tasks that go along with that job. You see...words mean things. There's a reason why the Presidency is known as the Executive branch of government. The only leadership Obama has shown was as a community organizer...which you left out of your qualifications. dug yourself an impossible hole to get out of on HFB long ago. I just enjoy the opportunity to point it out from time to time. You can keep saying I lost this one...but the truth is that I can't ever lose an argument of this nature to you...even if I find myself less eloquent at times..because on principle I'm right and as long as you remain the person you are where politics are concerned....where your opinions are based on lies, hatred, class envy, and the propaganda of the liberal media's impossible for you to win anything. Because if the country is so troubled as to buy in to what your type is pushing...we all lose.
        Charles Jones

        A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
        Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


        • #49
          Re: politics

          Now would be a good time for a band to play "Flight of the Bumblebee"!

          Politics should be banned from the forum.  


          • #50
            Re: politics

            Everything I posted above was all facts...would you like where I got my information? You are the one with the narrow close mind. When then the Gods deemed you to be eloquent? Your principle are not right yet you try to force this on any weak minded individual you can find.

            "Because if the country is so troubled as to buy in to what your type is pushing...we all lose."  We already lost with your President in office.

            Tell me the real it based on skin color? Every point you have made is bogus and yet you cannont provide a fact. So is it the skin color that trouble you? Just looking for facts!


            • #51
              Re: politics

              I was wondering when you would play the race card. It's funny how Democrats are always the ones to bring race up but always accuse Republicans of racism. I haven't tried to force my principles on anyone. The only thing I've tried to force on you is proper grammar. You didn't understand my point on eloquence...but what else is new? If Kerry or Gore had been in power we'd be looking at more terrorist attacks on our own we haven't lost. Tell it racist if 97% of blacks vote for a black candidate? Something has happened in the last couple of days that I'm truly going to enjoy...we have a solid date!

              46 days and counting until Delock gives his speech at the HAS auction on why George W. Bush has been one of our best Presidents
              Charles Jones

              A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
              Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


              • #52
                Re: politics

                If you give a pro-Bush speech at the HAS auction, I resign! :P
                PLECOS SUCK!



                • #53
                  Re: politics

                  Nick, I will do exactly as I committed to should the need arise. If Obama wins I will give a 5 minute speech on why he will make a good president. Derek....tell me...does the fact that Obama is black influence you in any way to vote for him? It's amazing to me that because I won't vote for Obama and am critical of him and his (lack of) experience, his far-left liberal policies and voting record, and his stance on pretty much every issue that is opposite mine...that I must be a racist. Why is it that liberals can't stay in the realm of ideas? Is everyone who disagrees with you a racist? I will, however, admit that I'm prejudiced. I'm prejudiced against stupid people. The difference between racism and prejudice is that prejudice is not necessarily a bad thing. Prejudice is based upon rational reasons. We use prejudice to pick out our clothes. We use prejudice to decide what we want for dinner. Racism is only based on skin color or other ethnic factors. Like I said...I'm prejudiced against stupid people. And your accusing me of racism by asking me those questions was pretty stupid.
                  Charles Jones

                  A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
                  Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


                  • #54
                    Re: politics

                    Originally posted by marauder_77868";p="
                    I was wondering when you would play the race card. It's funny how Democrats are always the ones to bring race up but always accuse Republicans of racism. I haven't tried to force my principles on anyone. The only thing I've tried to force on you is proper grammar. You didn't understand my point on eloquence...but what else is new? If Kerry or Gore had been in power we'd be looking at more terrorist attacks on our own we haven't lost. Tell it racist if 97% of blacks vote for a black candidate? Something has happened in the last couple of days that I'm truly going to enjoy...we have a solid date!

                    46 days and counting until Delock gives his speech at the HAS auction on why George W. Bush has been one of our best Presidents
                    I'm not playing the race card. but I expect that from you. I asked a question and you are diverting from the answer. Apparently my bad grammar is good enough for you to run from being a man an answering my question. Race is not important to me. What is important is as an independent voter the choice boils down to the last 8 years of Republican president and the decade before 2006 of Republican controlled congress which, in my opinion, have placed us in the precarious and ruinous situation we see today. Keep pumping yourself up believing that I will be giving a speech on Bush ....wait you all not going to steal this election huh?


                    • #55
                      Re: politics

                      I'm not playing the race card.
                      Of course you are! You're the one who brought it up and it's frankly pretty offensive. Let me make this perfectly clear to you, and pretty much to you alone, as those who know me already know the answer. Race doesn't play into it whatsoever for me. I don't care if Obama is black, white, or green. The bottom line for me is that he's a socialist. If race were not important to you, you wouldn't have brought it up. Now, I can take some time, and research your posts, and prove that this isn't the first time you've played this game...or YOU can be a man and admit that what you just said is absolutely false. The proof is out there. People have seen it. Or maybe you can take some time and go edit all the posts where you've done this before. To me, it would seem that a black man would not throw around cries of racism pell mell...that it would be reserved for actual instances of racism....that because people are so used to hearing it you would want to avoid the "little boy who cried wolf" scenario whenever possible...but I'm not you. I don't have a general dearth of reason and facts backing me up. To play the race card probably seems viable to you at this point. It's pretty sad and I pity you...
                      Charles Jones

                      A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
                      Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


                      • #56
                        Re: politics

                        No I pity you since you have not come up with one vaild point or fact. Yet you attempt to write long drawn out posts pointing the fingers at others. I call it reality and you call it whatever!


                        • #57
                          Re: politics

                          I'm not real worried about whether or not you think I'm coming up with valid points or facts. Your opinion of what is a valid point or fact is pretty obviously not grounded in reality or good judgment. Now you accused me of not being a man and running away from your question...but I see that you didn't respond at all to the points I raised in my previous post, other that the fact that I pity you. So, how about it? You ramble on in this thread and others, questioning the manhood of people, that people won't address your try addressing my previous post.
                          Charles Jones

                          A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
                          Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


                          • #58
                            Re: politics

                            Address what? Nothing +Nothing = Nothing


                            • #59
                              Re: politics

                              Typical....but expected. You played the race card. I called you out on it. Silence. You asked of me a question. I addressed it. Silence. I would think that when a white guy accuses you of using racism to make political arguments that he otherwise has no chance of winning, you might try to respond. Silence. I'll leave it up to the judgment of other people as to your actions. You can type anything you want. You can accuse me of having no facts, no issues. But the truth of the matter is still that in all of this when you didn't have a good argument, you essentially accused me of racism. It's pathetic and I really do pity you.
                              Charles Jones

                              A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
                              Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


                              • #60
                                Re: politics

                                My brother's the editorial assistant for this comic book!!  

                                "Millennium hand and shrimp!"

