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Colin Powell

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  • #76
    Re: Colin Powell

    Originally posted by delock";p="
    Ask this question...a man who claim reponsiblity for the worse act of terriosm on US sole right after 9/11...and you let his family leave the US during a no fly period.
    Honestly, I have heard of that and it is a good question. Does anyone have any knowlege of this and can explain in further details.

    ok here is the answer:

    You will never know the true feeling of being loved until you feel it from your child.


    • #77
      Re: Colin Powell

      Well...I gotta say a few something or others here. any of you think the reasons military choices are made and implemented would play well in America's living rooms?Do any of you think our involvement in Viet Nam was for good guys vs bad?
      Do any of you think we should put military involement to a vote of the troops?  
      Well...I hope some of ya'll wake up long enough to look around you and see the real world.
      Military involvement is always gonna have military reasons and objectives at it's heart...what is best for the US, not what feels good.
      My daughter is NOT here to be sacrificed for some feel-good experiment, and that's the bottom line.
      Iraq is and was a problem country...Saddam was a very loose cannon with a prediliction for poison gas and control through mass death and pain.
      Afghanistan was dealt with a bit late (remember the giant Buddha statues they blew up? Some of the world's greatest treasures, destroyed by extreme fundamentalists); but we finally saw the way to respond to Islamic extremists was to hit them very hard.
      The problem in Iraq was the US tried to do it on the cheap...and John McCain was among those who said we needed many more troops from the beginning to succeed in our objectives. Didn't happen, and here we are.
      On soldiers...they are there to be soldiers, to go where their commanders send them and to do the killing/destroying thing. No "is this a good war? Is this a waste of our efforts? Should we ask to go home?"; soldiers are to do what they are sent to do, and history will sort out the political effectivness of this engagement or that one.
      No more than a surgeon or a barber thinks"Is this person good enough or important enough for me to operate/cut their hair?"
      If anyone becomes a threat to our "interests"...interests means you, my daughter, the price of the food we eat...they had better be ready to stand up to our political and military might. That is how world events play out...
      The weak are remembered by scholars and archeologists, 'cause your culture /society fades away. Considering all the good things the USA gives to the world and all it's citizens/residents, I want our leaders to keep us viable and well. So does Europe, Asia, and most of the sucessful countries worldwide.
      I wish we could have a good life, and all the world's people could share in the good times...Kumbaya. Until that is a possibility, it's us and our "family" first; if you can't run with the Big Dogs don't jump into the fray.
      Our best interests lay with a world wide exchange of goods and ideas; not "we're the boss". A global economy is much better than a global conflict, and Islam is the current monkey wrench in the machine.
      Obama is no more open and straight than any megalomaniac who wants to be the "Great Leader"; the problem I have with the Extreme left (and he is that without a doubt) is they are too far one way. I see too many losses before he becomes either an effective leader or a failed leader, and leaves office disgraced or dead.
      I have problems with J McCain, but he is capable of preserving the World status of the USA, and dealing with severe military and political issues decisively. Presidents appoint people to run the country and the economy, and either man can probably find the right path to keep the ship afloat. I say that with a feeling of dread, because there will be really hard times if either tries to experiment with solutions to the economic mess we are in.
      As far as the real Truth about everything, I don't have the time to post it all.  
      But...take this as fact: we need to be here to make right any wrongs we commit...letting the wolf in the house to be fair and evenhanded is merely giving the wolf an easy meal. God bless the men and women who put their @ss in between the bad guys and my little girl.
      No matter where they find them!
      Working for a better Future for my Fish!
      75, 29
      All my other tanks have gone on to better lives!

      Sailfin Mollies, Plecos, Corys,, 1 lonely Jewel Cichlid


      • #78
        Re: Colin Powell


        love you man...and I pray for your daughter safe return. But you do know we (USA) put Saddam in power? The CIA who was lead by someone father at the time.

        In high school I was not a passive person. I have been around the block enough time to know I need some facts before I engaged into anything. Let me say this...I fought a guy back in high school who had  "supposedly" disrespecting my girlfriend. I saw the guy right after football practice one day shortly afterward and went to work on him. He was an older guy at that...come to find out I beat the living crap out of someone who was in a bad relationship with my girlfriend cousin. Yes, I could have lost my life over something simple as that but I was lied to becasue someone else had an ax to grind. So I grinded thier ax for them.

        So the same guy after high school. I walked up to him and apologize for the "beating" I put on him. It was strange because this guy could have pulled out a  gun and shot me due to flashbacks

        But I will never out myself in a situtation like that again....regardless until I have facts.


        • #79
          Re: Colin Powell

          It's a good thing that delock has "good friends" to provide him with facts to back up his version of things. I've always thought it interesting when people search for "facts" to fit their theories rather than come up with theories based upon the facts.  I didn't know that the scientific principle worked in reverse. How enlightening. Notice that he didn't address any of the real issues because he's basically incapable of saying anything more that "Bush bad- Obama good" in various and sundry ways. So how does the bin Laden family leaving after the travel ban was lifted fit with your version of "facts"?
          Charles Jones

          A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
          Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


          • #80
            Re: Colin Powell

            !f a man killed your family or friend would you let his family leave the neighborhood before you found him? If you had the power?

            Facts are what I present...all the time. I will never give out something I'm not 100% sure about unlike you.


            • #81
              Re: Colin Powell

              and you let his family leave the US during a no fly period.
              This has been proven to be untrue within this very thread. Your "facts" are, at best, questionable.

              I will never give out something I'm not 100% sure about unlike you.
              "Unlike you"?....try speaking as an adult - not a fifth grade girl!

              Facts are what I present...all the time.
              If you truly believe that then you are one of the people I was talking about...who will never be able to see evil for what it is...until maybe it begins to cut your throat. It's been proven just a few posts earlier that your facts are suspect.
              Charles Jones

              A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
              Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


              • #82
                Re: Colin Powell

        bin laden family

                Saddam rise to power


                • #83
                  Re: Colin Powell

                  Originally posted by Darbex";p="
                  I do have a serious question that I can never really get answered by a Democrat.

                  Was the fight with Serbia over Kosovo justified?
                  Depends on who you ask. Ask a Republican and they will tell you no. Ask a Democrat and they will tell you yes. Ask an ethnic Albanian, and they will tell you yes. Ask a Yugoslav Serbian, and they will tell you no. It boils down to whether you support the ideology of NATO, the UN, and other such superpowers.

                  Originally posted by alexarae";p="
                  We went to Iraq so that we'd all have the freedom to sit on these computers all day.
                  We were free to sit on the computer all day before the invasion of Iraq. Iraq should have been step 3 or 4 in the big master plan to uproot terrorism at the source, after starting in Afghanistan post 9/11, and working our way west, back towards the United States. We skipped a few steps, and things got mucked up.

                  A lot of conservatives here will not like that answer, but ask any true strategist, and they will tell you the same. It's how you win wars - with "front-lines".  This lesson was learned in Vietnam.

                  ..Or was it?
                  Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


                  • #84
                    Re: Colin Powell

                    Originally posted by alexarae";p="
                    We went to Iraq so that we'd all have the freedom to sit on these computers all day.
                    We were free to sit on the computer all day before the invasion of Iraq. Iraq should have been step 3 or 4 in the big master plan to uproot terrorism at the source, after starting in Afghanistan post 9/11, and working our way west, back towards the United States. We skipped a few steps, and things got mucked up.

                    A lot of conservatives here will not like that answer, but ask any true strategist, and they will tell you the same. It's how you win wars - with "front-lines".  This lesson was learned in Vietnam.

                    ..Or was it?[/quote]

                    no....but i dont know what i be speaking about  


                    • #85
                      Re: Colin Powell

                      CBS news...We've seen that there's no agenda there in the last few weeks, huh?

                      The the quote at the top of the page. unexpected! Look at some of the other articles. It's no wonder he's as screwed up as he is.

             the website "World History Archives, by Hartford Web Publishing, offers documents to support the study of world history from a working-class and non-Eurocentric perspective." More Marxism. If you believe these are facts then you're being sorely misled.

            've immersed yourself in propaganda. I see that now. I don't know that it was intentional. But I do know that using these as "sources" for "facts" is going to lead you to nothing but further embarassment. I note that you didn't address your "100 percent", "all the time" facts which were proven, just a little while ago, to be in error. I realize that you have to turn to propaganda sites to try to find "facts" to support your views. You'd honestly be better off relying on the Obama media machine to do its job because when you argue something, you're just helping our cause. It takes a professional liar, or system of liars, like to Obama media machine, to try to pull the wool over the country's eyes. You're doing nothing but hurting your own cause.

                      Finally...since you say I'm vague and obscure...let me say something that only I and one other will understand and find humor in. Hello, Mr. Rabbit!
                      Charles Jones

                      A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
                      Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


                      • #86
                        Re: Colin Powell

                        What CBS is not news worthy? What about the other stuff? There is a lot more stuff out there for you to research. Looking outside your box will not hurt you. If the Iraq war was the real thing people would not have doubts about it. You stated your opinion but have yet to prove your put with any "real" data except what you type on your keyboard.

                        And let me say something which a lot of people have said concerning you....ASM!



                        • #87
                          Re: Colin Powell

                          I addressed each link. CBS is not exactly known for it's fair reporting...especially lately. It's political agenda has been apparent for awhile. See Dan Rather.
                          I addressed each set of "facts". If you want to put forth Marxist propaganda as your I're hurting your own cause.

                          I guess I don't know what ASM stands for. Doesn't bother me too much because I actually speak English properly. For all I know it's misspelled like everything else. So if someone wants to enlighten me because delock isn't man enough to say something to me in English I would appreciate it. If it's someting bad , like cursing, for which he's well known, please send it to me in a PM.
                          Charles Jones

                          A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
                          Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


                          • #88
                            Re: Colin Powell

                            Originally posted by delock";p="

                            love you man...and I pray for your daughter safe return. But you do know we (USA) put Saddam in power? The CIA who was lead by someone father at the time.

                            In high school I was not a passive person. I have been around the block enough time to know I need some facts before I engaged into anything. Let me say this...I fought a guy back in high school who had  "supposedly" disrespecting my girlfriend. I saw the guy right after football practice one day shortly afterward and went to work on him. He was an older guy at that...come to find out I beat the living crap out of someone who was in a bad relationship with my girlfriend cousin. Yes, I could have lost my life over something simple as that but I was lied to becasue someone else had an ax to grind. So I grinded thier ax for them.

                            So the same guy after high school. I walked up to him and apologize for the "beating" I put on him. It was strange because this guy could have pulled out a  gun and shot me due to flashbacks

                            But I will never out myself in a situtation like that again....regardless until I have facts.

                            I feel ya, Delock. Sad to say, been there in a different situation, same result.
                            Let me make a few more points...
                            Ever hear the expression: "My enemy's enemy is my friend"? Iraq was killing Iranians (and vice versa) by the hundreds of thousands, so we supported our enemy's enemy. Saddam put himself in power, and we supported him for a time. Good politics to help someone weaken and tie up your mortal enemy.
                            After the war, Saddam went elsewhere with his maniac vision, and came into direct conflict with us and our allies/interests in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. How was any of that changed or different because we supported Iraq at one time?
                            If your ex-girlfriend shot your dog, and came after your Mama and you with a nine, would you feel it was not what it was 'cause you were lovers at one time? I bet'd deal with the present reality and think about the irony later.
                            Weird analogy, but close to world relationships.
                            I posted this elsewhere, but it covers most of how I see things:

                            I suppose most people see life as a few years of struggle, getting to "adulthood" so they can do more of what they want instead of what others make them do; then, we struggle to get what we want and keep it; then we try to understand the forces that threaten what we care about and keep things safe and together; at some point, many just get tired of the struggle, and try to stay in one spot and have some time of peace and just don't want to deal with the whole head-hurting mess of life-as-we-know-it.
                   guarantees come with birth, you live until you die; everything else is a crapshoot.
                            This is the difference between those involved in the world, and those who become space holders.

                            I care, and don't see any way to get small and hope no one notices me. Events sweep us up, and we either join the flow or get run over.
                            This is our time in history, we are all alive and invested in the world we live in. Gotta keep dancing as long as the music keeps playing.
                            Right now, Islam has made itself a major player in world events, not like thousands of years ago when it was a source of knowledge and enlightenment, but solely as a source of chaos and destruction. When the conflict gets to the point of world wide influence, as it seems to be now, trying to marginalize the importance of oil and freedom to live will only create a final conflict that will make video games seem silly and boring.
                            WWII gave many an insight into how nothing is permanent, nothing is safe, and nothing is inconceiveable.

                            The Yom Kippur war in the 70s was a serious lesson to Israel, and all of us: your enemies will never cease learning, and will always grow more powerful and dangerous by learning from their failures.
                            When armaments become so effective, and distance becomes so meaningless, past events do not serve as benchmarks for present conflicts.
                            If we grow complacent, and just want to walk away from the unpleasant reality of deadly enemies and bad intentions, we get what they decide is our future.

                            There are heavily armed, deadly enemies of the way of life it has taken centuries to create...technological, economical, and philosophical concepts that allow billions of people to have opportunities never open to their ancestors; there is the real conflict and never mind the itty bitty details, this is a power struggle between the 15th Century and the 21st.
                            We have funded the enemy, and we have hidden from the hard choices for the sake of temporary peace and personal pleasure.
                            No guarantees...if we fail to see the time to act , if we fail to see the brief moment we have a choice to make, we will pay a horrible price.
                            World events could spiral out of any control, and every day is a day of crisis.

                            Each of us is a player; your voice is one small sound that, combined with millions of other voices, creates a ground shaking roar that is heard by all the high and mighty who seek to shape world events.
                            What I am hearing more and more, is a wimper of aquiesence; a loud "leave me alone, I'm busy having fun"; and for those who forget, or don't even bother to know, human history this is usually followed by screaming, wailing, and stunned silence.

                            Nothing is written already, right now is when our history is being created.

                            Good luck, everyone. Like we used to say when we were little, "No take backs!".
                            "...mama told me there'd be days like this."
                            Working for a better Future for my Fish!
                            75, 29
                            All my other tanks have gone on to better lives!

                            Sailfin Mollies, Plecos, Corys,, 1 lonely Jewel Cichlid


                            • #89
                              Re: Colin Powell

                              Well...nobody seems to know so far what ASM stands for. So I guess it couldn't have been a LOT of people, huh? It's bad enough that I have to translate your regular posts into you have us working with abbreviations too?!

                              Let me translate below so that delock can understand and respond. Need to be fair.

                              Wel..No body seams two no so fahr wat ASM standz four. Sew eye gess it coulndtve' bean uh lat uv peepul, huh? Et's baad enuf that eye halve 2 tranz late ur regoolur posts in two English...nowe u hav us werkin wit abbreeviatuns two?!
                              Charles Jones

                              A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have. --Thomas Jefferson
                              Guns are responsible for killing people much the way pencils are responsible for misspelling words.


                              • #90
                                Re: Colin Powell

                                700g Mini-Monster tank

