I've got some time here this morning to share some of my recent transactions with my fellow HFB members. I'd prefer to keep my business doings private, but in this case, it's offered to you to help restore my reputation, for the record. Names will be left out, since I do not have permission nor would I prefer to use them if I did.
Recently, a HFB member called me at home and inquired if I would be willing to sell any of my tropheus. It was late at night, but it was also a weekend, so I invited this HFB member and his friend to come look at what I had, since I had thought about selling my Red Chimba's. Well just before or around midnight, this HFB members shows up with another HFB member that I know well. I invited them in, and let them look around at all my tanks and especially the chimba's.
I was told by the guy wanting to buy that it was really important that he come up with a nice colony of tropheus, and come up with it ASAP, so he was here to buy fish obviously. After he examined my Chimba's for a short time, I was asked to give him a dollar amount that I would be willing to let my fish go for.
I'll tell you, it sure was hard to fight off the urge to use this guy as my personal ATM, since I knew he was desperate and I had a feeling he wasn't leaving empty handed after driving across town to my place at midnight, but anyway, I charged him a whopping 10.00 per fish. That was for a total of 18 Wild Caught tropheus with females holding that spit on the way back to his place.
Then there was a recent deal where I was buying a fish tank from another HFB member here and I was told that this really nice (and expensive) light was being sold to a nice guy I had just met the day before. (another HFB member). This light was very nice, and very expensive, like a 900.00 light, but she had agreed to sell the light to this other HFB member, and I was cool with that since I had no interest in the light myself. I made my deal with this HFB member and made arrangements to come pick up the tank in 24 hours, since the tank was not ready at the time.
Well, during that 24 hours, the other HFB member (seller) and myself had found out that the buyer for the light had been involved in a TA, and would not be coming to pick up the light he had agreed to buy. Well, I was just gotten to know this gentleman and visited with him at his home and met his family and all, and anyway, I was impressed with this young man and was hopeful he would recover and he would like to have his light, so I paid the 300.00 for the light and held onto it for him until he recovered.
Thank God he has recovered and is moving on with his life.
Before I sold my Chimba's, I had a small number of Bemba's too, I was losing a Bemba about every two weeks, and I was bummed to see them dieing on me, so I made a deal with another nice HFB member and agreed to sell my remaining Bemba's to him for the same price of 10.00 a fish. Not too long after the deal, the buyer pm'd me with a excited and happy pm that his bemba had produced fry for him and he was so excited and wanted to share the news with me. I was thrilled to hear this news about the bemba and I knew exactly how he felt after seeing his first batch of troph fry. It was a good feeling for both of us, and I really appreciate his sharing that news with me.
Then there's the recent 470 gallon Oceanic tank I just bought from Robert, again, he offered me free delivery to sweeten the deal. I knew he was offering the tank at a really great price, and I told him that up front and to his face, I told him it was worth more than what he was asking. I told him I might not be able to get it into my house and I may end up selling it myself. He did not care, he wanted it gone, it had been sitting in his front yard for days and he wanted it gone. I could not pass it up, but I could not let him deliever it for free either since he was giving me such a deal on the tank. I paid him an extra 50.00 for delivery.
Yeah, I can go on with these stories, and tell you of other selfish acts of mine, like when I donated one of my precious 100 pound bags of sugar sand to the GHAC door prize drawing...or how I sell my dozens of brichardi fry for 5.00....or how I sold another bag of sugar sand here to a GHAC member that "forgot" and I never bugged him for the money....Yeah, the point is, I'm not always out to make money, granted if the opportunity presents itself, and both parties are willing, I will , but I don't scam or con people. I was raised in the 60ties, my hereo's where men of honor, like John Wayne, Alan Ladd, Jimi Stewart, Audey Murphy, men who gave without thought of themselves and men who tried to protect the rights of others. Now I'm not saying I'm anything like my hereos', but I do have more morals than I am given credit here for lately.
I'd like to thank those of you who either pm'd me or posted here on the box, your experience with me, that was really much appreciated.
And I am truly sorry and I sincerely apologize to those who I have offended or those who feel that I jipped them on a deal. If there is anyone who regrets any deal I have made with them, please pm me and tell me how I can make it right with you.
Again, I'm not always an angel, for I am just a man, but I know in my heart, I am a good man. You'll notice, unlike the planet Invert tag I've been collared with, there has been no one here on the box, nor will there likely be, who has pubically posted any complaints save one person.
Recently, a HFB member called me at home and inquired if I would be willing to sell any of my tropheus. It was late at night, but it was also a weekend, so I invited this HFB member and his friend to come look at what I had, since I had thought about selling my Red Chimba's. Well just before or around midnight, this HFB members shows up with another HFB member that I know well. I invited them in, and let them look around at all my tanks and especially the chimba's.
I was told by the guy wanting to buy that it was really important that he come up with a nice colony of tropheus, and come up with it ASAP, so he was here to buy fish obviously. After he examined my Chimba's for a short time, I was asked to give him a dollar amount that I would be willing to let my fish go for.
I'll tell you, it sure was hard to fight off the urge to use this guy as my personal ATM, since I knew he was desperate and I had a feeling he wasn't leaving empty handed after driving across town to my place at midnight, but anyway, I charged him a whopping 10.00 per fish. That was for a total of 18 Wild Caught tropheus with females holding that spit on the way back to his place.
Then there was a recent deal where I was buying a fish tank from another HFB member here and I was told that this really nice (and expensive) light was being sold to a nice guy I had just met the day before. (another HFB member). This light was very nice, and very expensive, like a 900.00 light, but she had agreed to sell the light to this other HFB member, and I was cool with that since I had no interest in the light myself. I made my deal with this HFB member and made arrangements to come pick up the tank in 24 hours, since the tank was not ready at the time.
Well, during that 24 hours, the other HFB member (seller) and myself had found out that the buyer for the light had been involved in a TA, and would not be coming to pick up the light he had agreed to buy. Well, I was just gotten to know this gentleman and visited with him at his home and met his family and all, and anyway, I was impressed with this young man and was hopeful he would recover and he would like to have his light, so I paid the 300.00 for the light and held onto it for him until he recovered.
Thank God he has recovered and is moving on with his life.
Before I sold my Chimba's, I had a small number of Bemba's too, I was losing a Bemba about every two weeks, and I was bummed to see them dieing on me, so I made a deal with another nice HFB member and agreed to sell my remaining Bemba's to him for the same price of 10.00 a fish. Not too long after the deal, the buyer pm'd me with a excited and happy pm that his bemba had produced fry for him and he was so excited and wanted to share the news with me. I was thrilled to hear this news about the bemba and I knew exactly how he felt after seeing his first batch of troph fry. It was a good feeling for both of us, and I really appreciate his sharing that news with me.
Then there's the recent 470 gallon Oceanic tank I just bought from Robert, again, he offered me free delivery to sweeten the deal. I knew he was offering the tank at a really great price, and I told him that up front and to his face, I told him it was worth more than what he was asking. I told him I might not be able to get it into my house and I may end up selling it myself. He did not care, he wanted it gone, it had been sitting in his front yard for days and he wanted it gone. I could not pass it up, but I could not let him deliever it for free either since he was giving me such a deal on the tank. I paid him an extra 50.00 for delivery.
Yeah, I can go on with these stories, and tell you of other selfish acts of mine, like when I donated one of my precious 100 pound bags of sugar sand to the GHAC door prize drawing...or how I sell my dozens of brichardi fry for 5.00....or how I sold another bag of sugar sand here to a GHAC member that "forgot" and I never bugged him for the money....Yeah, the point is, I'm not always out to make money, granted if the opportunity presents itself, and both parties are willing, I will , but I don't scam or con people. I was raised in the 60ties, my hereo's where men of honor, like John Wayne, Alan Ladd, Jimi Stewart, Audey Murphy, men who gave without thought of themselves and men who tried to protect the rights of others. Now I'm not saying I'm anything like my hereos', but I do have more morals than I am given credit here for lately.
I'd like to thank those of you who either pm'd me or posted here on the box, your experience with me, that was really much appreciated.
And I am truly sorry and I sincerely apologize to those who I have offended or those who feel that I jipped them on a deal. If there is anyone who regrets any deal I have made with them, please pm me and tell me how I can make it right with you.
Again, I'm not always an angel, for I am just a man, but I know in my heart, I am a good man. You'll notice, unlike the planet Invert tag I've been collared with, there has been no one here on the box, nor will there likely be, who has pubically posted any complaints save one person.