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40 years wasted

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  • #16
    Re: 40 years wasted

    Originally posted by eklikewhoa";p="
    Awww, Quoc...and after all that time and money I spent trying to impress you...

    What are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.

    Robert Anson Heinlein


    • #17
      Re: 40 years wasted

      I think Mark spilled his bong water when he saw that! 8O


      • #18
        Re: 40 years wasted

        I worked in a bar as the doorman, bartender and "bouncer".  I've seen most all of the drugs in use and in action and can usually identify which drugs people are using based on their behaviors.  In my experience, the most overused drugs are alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and cocaine.  Since I was the only one with any training in martial arts, I was always called on when people needed to be dealt with and shown the door.

        Not all drug use is victimless.  

        Alcohol, for example.  Drunk drivers kill people.  They kill themselves, they kill others.  The human brain has 5 brain centers and the only molecule that passes thru the blood brain barrier other than what is supposed to (blood) is alcohol.  As you drink more and more, your brain shuts down these centers one by one until only the basic center is left.  That last center controls drinking, sleeping, fighting and f**king.  

        Drunks are the worst offenders and are the most beligerent.  I always hated dealing with them.  Drunks cannot be reasoned with and they're dangerous to themselves and others.

        Smoking tobacco causes second hand smoke and causes emphysema. Just ask my nonsmoking aunt who unfortunately contracted emphysema after living with her smoking husband for 30 years.  He is just fine and relatively healthy.

        Cocaine.  meh.  This is a terrible one to deal with since most people get hyper, aggressive and rude.  They become SUPERMAN for about 20 minutes and then need a bump to feel good again.  After they do this all night, sometimes for days at a time, their dopamine levels are all out of whack and become irritable and unruly.  Little girls get mouthy and try to fight. Imagine what the men do.

        Methylamphetamine, and its relatives, are the pits and luckily I didn't experience to many people abusing these drugs but they are definitly threats to themselves and others.  The don't feel pain like a normal person and are difficult to control.

        Marijuana users.  NEVER HAD A PROBLEM WITH THEM.  They dance, they congregate.  They share. They want to remain peaceful and compliant.  They're the peace keepers and just want to get along.

        These are my sober, personal experiences and dealings with users of various substances.  Your mileage may vary but I doubt by much.
        Painting the world with drool and poop since 2007! ~ Papa Greg


        • #19
          Re: 40 years wasted

          I could use a tequila myself.
          PLECOS SUCK!


          • #20
            Re: 40 years wasted

            the other problem isnt just illegal drugs but illegal use of legal ones. there is more priscription drug abuse out there then there ever used to be. they prescribe zanex and valium like they are popcorn. but im going to agree with Greg. I Never Ever knew anyone who was smoking Weed to get agressive and get in a fight. laugh and cry maybe (lots of laughing, and video games) but never fight. I know lots of people who get agressive with alchohol. IF and thats a big IF, you wanted to legalize anything else, I would have to say it would NEED to be severly limited in potency, and with other additives to help combat addictivness, although nicotine and caffiene are both much more addictive then Herione. So how is that fair legally speaking. Or yes you would have to go to a center or clinic and a trip on shrooms could be purchased kinda like an IMAX. with controled levels of chemicals, and Trained staff to deal with someone not having a good time. of course that would take money away from the Pharmacutical companies, and we all know how that would end.
            Never fear I is here
            David Abeles
            Vice President
            Greater Houston Aquarium Club

