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HFB Presidential Election Exit Poll

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  • #31
    Re: HFB Presidential Election Exit Poll

    Originally posted by TheReefWhisperer";p="
    Well, my friends...from the look of the race.... I hope that the next 4 years go by REALLY fast! I can see it now! Obama is going to sit down tomorrow and write a letter to the soldiers in the wars and tell them to pack up! It is time to come home! People on welfare will become rich, educated, and not have to do anything for it! Religion will only be a thought and there will be an abortion clinic on every other corner downtown! You might as well go to your local police station and turn in your guns! The hunters will be charged with a felony for killing deer and birds! Do not worry though! When your sky high light bills come in, just turn to a neighbor on welfare and ask for a loan!
    I know it won't be this bad - but I'm pretty sure things are about to change - just like Obama has advertised all along.

    Here's to hoping four years go by fast.
    Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


    • #32
      Re: HFB Presidential Election Exit Poll

       :clap:  :dance:  :bsty:


      • #33
        Re: HFB Presidential Election Exit Poll

        Originally posted by Nickintex";p="
         :clap:  :dance:  :bsty:
        Nick... You do know that there are more Republicans on here than Democrats or Independents, right? You know... with the loss that the Republicans are feeling... you might get a few linchings. It might be a good time to find a hole and stay in it for a couple of days!  
        You will never know the true feeling of being loved until you feel it from your child.


        • #34
          Re: HFB Presidential Election Exit Poll

          Delock will protect me, he's on my side.
          PLECOS SUCK!


          • #35
            Re: HFB Presidential Election Exit Poll

            Originally posted by Nickintex";p="
            Delock will protect me, he's on my side.
            Hmmm... you did read "You do know that there are more Republicans". There is only one delock and 19 others who voted Republican! That means 10 Republicans per person and a who lot of linchings!  :badsmiley:    
            You will never know the true feeling of being loved until you feel it from your child.


            • #36
              Re: HFB Presidential Election Exit Poll

              But IGG canceled my vote, remember?
              PLECOS SUCK!



              • #37
                Re: HFB Presidential Election Exit Poll

                Originally posted by Nickintex";p="
                But IGG canceled my vote, remember?
                That is ok, Nick! Knowing that Obama will be our president means that someone out in this country cancelled mine! Now Michelle "Cruella" Obama can truely be proud of her country for the first time in her adult life, starting today!
                You will never know the true feeling of being loved until you feel it from your child.


                • #38
                  Re: HFB Presidential Election Exit Poll

                  I sleeping with my gun... cocked and un-locked.

                  I don't think its gonna be as bad as some of other members here. Also not gonna give up a d@mn thing!
                  700g Mini-Monster tank


                  • #39
                    Re: HFB Presidential Election Exit Poll

                    Originally posted by Nickintex";p="
                    Originally posted by Zulaab";p="
                    Like many others like me, I am not going to vote...
                    I like all those immigrants from the Crab Nebula...Zuulab, "you're ok by me"...*
                    It's all those Coneheads that infuriate me...!

                    I worry about people who sleep with unlocked and cocked busy dream and there goes a limb...
                    There are no guarantees in life...we just might see some really hard crazy times coming to us.
                    Stuff is gonna hit the fan now, sooner than later.
                    If I was an Islamic bad boy now would be a good time to go for broke...and smart money is gonna go to a safe place til this share someone else's wealth thing fades away.

                    Hey, everybody...if you don't have DishNetwork already, get it now! I'm gonna need the work!  :(

                    *Rocky Horror Picture Show
                    Working for a better Future for my Fish!
                    75, 29
                    All my other tanks have gone on to better lives!

                    Sailfin Mollies, Plecos, Corys,, 1 lonely Jewel Cichlid


                    • #40
                      Re: HFB Presidential Election Exit Poll

                      Originally posted by Philbert";p="
                      Originally posted by Nickintex";p="
                      Originally posted by Zulaab";p="
                      Like many others like me, I am not going to vote...
                      I like all those immigrants from the Crab Nebula...Zuulab, "you're ok by me"...*
                      It's all those Coneheads that infuriate me...!

                      *Rocky Horror Picture Show
                      What about the Baltans?
                      PLECOS SUCK!



                      • #41
                        Re: HFB Presidential Election Exit Poll

                        What about those lazy, shiftless unMilkyWayish interlopers?
                        I see one, I wanna pour salt on it. Or is that for Andromedeans? :?
                        Working for a better Future for my Fish!
                        75, 29
                        All my other tanks have gone on to better lives!

                        Sailfin Mollies, Plecos, Corys,, 1 lonely Jewel Cichlid


                        • #42
                          Re: HFB Presidential Election Exit Poll

                          Well, if they take my gun away... I thought about opening the first sling shot target range! Maybe break out into a franchise! BUT I started thinking about Obama's tax plan and figured that it was a bad ideal!

                          If Obama really spreads my wealth, can I use the "donation" as a deduction off of my taxes??? :confused:
                          You will never know the true feeling of being loved until you feel it from your child.


                          • #43
                            Re: HFB Presidential Election Exit Poll

                            PLECOS SUCK!



                            • #44
                              Re: HFB Presidential Election Exit Poll

                              you dont make enough to spread Reefwhisperer


                              • #45
                                Re: HFB Presidential Election Exit Poll

                                PLECOS SUCK!


