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Goldfish Smarter than Dolphins?

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  • Goldfish Smarter than Dolphins?

    From TFA:

    "You put an animal in a box, even a lab rat or gerbil, and the first thing it wants to do is climb out of it. If you don't put a lid on top of the bowl a goldfish it will eventually jump out to enlarge the environment it is living in," he said.

    "But a dolphin will never do that. In the marine parks the dividers to keep the dolphins apart are only a foot or two above the water between the different pools," he said.

    Why not? Because, Manger says, the thought would simply not cross their unsophisticated minds.

    Flipper = weak

  • #2
    Re: Goldfish Smarter than Dolphins?

    Hmm, I think he's a kook. But I won't get into that...  There was one thing, though, what the heck was the last paragraph?

    "Manger also points to the tuna industry, which under consumer pressure has gone to great lengths to prevent dolphins from being caught and killed by accident in nets."

    What did that have to do with anything? Did I miss something?  :?
    "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


    • #3
      Re: Goldfish Smarter than Dolphins?

      Hahaha ya good point.  Sounds like Manger's just a big dophin hater.  I think he's tryin to say that dolphins are so unintelligent that they get caught in fishing nets which, to me, seems like a stretch.  Corny pun warning:  Sounds like he's just fishing for facts to support his claim.

      I agree, he seems a little off-kilter.


      • #4
        Re: Goldfish Smarter than Dolphins?

        yeah i would say jumping out of my one surviving container is not a smart move. and since they found dolhin brains operate on a similar frequency as ours, gonna go with dolphins as being smarter lol, and besides everyone knows dolphins are the second smartest creater on earth, just read the hitch hikers guide to the galazy.
        Never fear I is here
        David Abeles
        Vice President
        Greater Houston Aquarium Club


        • #5
          Re: Goldfish Smarter than Dolphins?

          LOL, I agree! What did dolphins ever do to him? And thanks for the clarification, but yeah, seems like a bit of a stretch to me, too.
          "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


          • #6
            Re: Goldfish Smarter than Dolphins?

            I agree, not jumping out of the water you know is safe is definately the smarter move. Also that last paragraph just came out of nowhere. Kinda silly.  


