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Trying to reach some goals for my campus

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  • Trying to reach some goals for my campus

    We want to be the campus with the most donors, please help me reach those goals - 5.00 will do (though more is appreciated!)

    This is for Citizen Schools, the afterschool program that employs me. With the shape of the economy as it is, my organization wants to build grassroots support, and the states with the best networks can continue to grow. This program really does have an impact on student grades and student success, check it out!
    Last edited by Krisvalkyrie; 02-16-2009, 03:08 PM.

  • #2
    I should probably explain that this is for a non-profit afterschool program for students in middle school. We provide a lot for our students, who pay nothing to participate in any part of the program, including field trips. We often have expenditures not budgeted for, like providing professional clothing for when they are presenting a case to a judge in mock trials.


    • #3


      • #4
        Woot! I have 5 donors, I want to thank Delock and whoever my anonymous donor is! Thanks for your help! I am ahead at my campus, but there are people in other cities ahead of me, please help me catch up! Even 1.00 will do.


        • #5
          Hey, I don't want to be a pain, but I do want to bump this thread.

          None of this money goes to me, it goes directly to supporting after school programs in Texas middle schools - in Houston and Austin. We have seven locations in Texas and are hoping to open more.

          If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them.

          A donation of 1.00 will do, our goal has to do with number of donors more than actual dollars.

