Well, they used to pack cigs in soldier's c-rats all the way thru Vietnam, so.. I guess it was only a matter of time.
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Public School Failures
In fourth grade, I just went to the teachers lounge where the vending machines were located. I skipped class and assisted the janitor clean up the cafeteria daily to earn the money. Soda water bottles for 10 cents a pop, of course I had get the janitor one also.
I attended Clear Creek High School from Sept 1985 to May 1987, in Sept 1986 The school announced that "The Cage" which was the designated smoking area (it was fenced in area) was removed, and told students they had to smoke on the backside of the school, ie completely on the edge of school grounds. Since most breaks was only 7 min between classes and the same year is when the 40 min school lunch was introduced, (the other 20 min you had to sit in home room which that was just a crock of doodoo) *40 min rule was installed to create 3 lunch periods vs the 2x 60 min they used to have. Smoking was reduced on campus. Within a few years of that the school banned smoking on property.
What fish do Jesper have
180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
110 Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
58 S. Decorus
"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher
Jesper, you jogged my memory. We did have a smoking area in the 80's, and it was literally under the bleachers on the football field. Like your school it was designed so that it was near impossible to get there and back without being tardy, and after much reduction, was eventually banned in the early 90's.Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!
Originally posted by paranoid1123 View PostThis isn't the schools fault. It's the parents and voters for allowing such a stupid law. Stop passing blame. Only the people have the ability to stop stupid stuff from happining.
Jack Ellis, the superintendent for the Brazos Independent School District, said the school was abiding by a state guideline that banned “minimal nutrition” foods.
So that single Jolly Rancher led to detention, which separated her from other classmates at lunch and at recess.
Her parents called the punishment ridiculous.
“I don’t think they treated her fairly. I think the punishment was definitely exaggerated and they should have to apologize to her,” says Amber Brazda, Leighann’s mother.
School officials say they were following state law and were concerned about losing funding.
In a letter to the school system Friday, the Texas Department of Agriculture wrote, “This particular incidence of candy possession as it has been reported by KHOU-TV would not be considered a violation of the state or federal nutrition program and therefore would not have jeopardized your district’s food service funding.”Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!
Public School Failures
Negative. Everyone that works at the school is either elected or hired by someone that was elected. That means that the parents and voters are to blame. The goverment should be afraid of the people not the other way around. We elect them. Their for if the do something we don't like it's our falt. If yu don't like them don't vote for them them that can't do what you don't like.
I'm sorry to report, that I have never voted for anything other than the Office of President......I don't see much point in voting for someone if I know nothing about them.....
CFTruth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.
Originally posted by paranoid1123 View PostNegative. Everyone that works at the school is either elected or hired by someone that was elected. That means that the parents and voters are to blame. The goverment should be afraid of the people not the other way around. We elect them. Their for if the do something we don't like it's our falt. If yu don't like them don't vote for them them that can't do what you don't like.
For example, do you think Bush would have been elected a first time had we known he was going to invade Iraq? Probably not. However, once he was in, it happened, and he even managed to be elected a second time.Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!
Originally posted by paranoid1123 View PostThis isn't the schools fault. It's the parents and voters for allowing such a stupid law. Stop passing blame. Only the people have the ability to stop stupid stuff from happining.
That's basically the short of it.
Personally, I think it's what people make of their time there.
If the kids are re-tards then they are going to act bad and get nothing from it.
Stop pass blame and step up to the plate.I ate my fish that died.
The main reason for Public School Failures is the low voter turnout for Independent school district board/ trustee elections. I also think that the school board elections have become popularity contests just like the Mayoral elections. Check out the latest election results for Harris, Galveston and surrounding county school election results below: One has to scroll down a bit for Galveston county
rules are rules. you break them and you get maximum punishment. although this case was dumb...it was still the rules. the parents should have paid more attention to their child and the rules of the school and not packed candy in her lunch box. If she obtained it from someone else...then hopefully she learns a lesson. it is never to early to become strict with kids. Most parents now-a-days are waaaay to passive with their kids. This whole "think for theirselve" crap is not working. My parents said "dont touch that" and if we touched it we got whipped. We didnt even always get taken to the bathroom...my mom would smack us right in the middle of the aisle!!! I am out in public literally everyday of my life, and I NEVER see parents whip their kids. It just goes to show that physical punishment can solve problems.250gallon-Wild Angels, community
Kids need feedback from Parents, and parents need to be parents. Kids listen especially in the younger ages.
One of my sayings has always been....this is how a Kid spells love... T-I-M-E
Spend time with your kids, and set boundaries, make rules, and be responsible.380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
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