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Keeping Church and State Seperate...
Originally posted by newb View PostIm not liking it at all...its the only interesting thing to do on here. It has pulled us all away from REAL fish conversations. Im joining in on it cause it is the only threads that are interesting and active.I ate my fish that died.
I really dont know, but I guess it could be both public and family that can stone you, or some other execution or dismemberment.
Some people just never get it?380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola
Some people unfortunately never learn how precious love and time really are the inner peace.380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola
[QUOTE=Mzungu;474160]Okay. 2 things. Risky, but don't care.)
Please, stop saying "your" Bible. There's 1 Bible. Sorry. Whether you accept it or not, it's still there. That's like saying, "In YOUR Grapes of Wrath...In YOUR War and Peace..." Different translations, yes. All trying to get the same literary meaning out of one book, yes.QUOTE]
But it is YOUR bible. Its not mine. I dont recognize it as truth. There are several bibles by the way. The Jews have the Torah, the Hindu have the Arya Sathya Vedam and Satanists have The Satanic Bible. None of those are MY bible either.
The reason I dont move, is because this is where I live. While I will openly say that this country disgusts me, it is a million times better than most others. I feel like I'm being attacked in a very passive aggressive way from the Christians on this site. I never once said that you guys were wrong or that you were crazy for following your religion. Every time I open my mouth about how I feel on the subject, you guys are trying to justify your beliefs. That right there shows me that you dont fully understand or believe in your bible either.If it ain't wild caught
You ain't doing it right
Randall, how was anything I said wrong? It came straight from your bible. If you make me sit here all night and look up the exact quotes, i'm gonna be pissed. I have way too many others things to do with my time that sit and thumb through the fiction section. LOL. That was a cheap shot....sorry.If it ain't wild caught
You ain't doing it right
Originally posted by FrontosaurusRex View PostFirst of all, I've always shown you and Traci nothing but respect so please dont attempt to downplay my intelligence because I didnt go to college or because I watch television. I was unaware that you graduated from Harvard....
I never said that ALL of our founding fathers were horrible people. I said that alot of them were. That is undisputable. We had slave owning, women beating, fornicators that ran this country and to this day, not much has changed. We have Presidents that cheat on their wives (all while being sworn in with your bible), we have presidents that over indulge in drugs (all while sworn in...) and we have Presidents that send innocent people to other countries to murder other innocent people (oh yeah, all while being sworn in by your bible). I cant stand when people, not you in particular, stand up and pound their chests at how wonderful our country is. Our country, our government, our president, our people are corrupt. They lie to our faces every single day about whats REALLY going on in the world.
The fact of the matter is, we need to change some things that maybe our founding fathers didnt take into account. We need to understand that there other religions besides Christianity (whether its Catholic, Baptist, etc) and we need to make accomodations for those people. No more "...under God" in the pledge of alegiance and no more " God we trust" on our money.
A couple historical points of fact. Not all of our Founding Fathers were wealthy. Not all of our Founding Fathers were slave owners. Our current form of Government in NO WAY even resembles what our Founding Fathers created. Their documents and Government architecture was "Limited Government" "For the People, of the People" as well as "Individual Responsibility". These Founding Fathers were truely great men of character but yes "men". Many of them gave their lives, lost loved ones and gave all their possessions and wealth so you and I would have the freedom to have these conversations.
I have lived in other countries where you will go to jail for talking about politics. We are blessed to have the freedoms we do and it is because of the Founding Fathers and NOBODY in this country should forget that.All men are created equal but his choices determine his value and what's in his heart determines his worth.
"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end"
Originally posted by thekarens View PostIf there is no "Separation of church and state" there certainly should be because "my" church and "your" church might not be the same.
US Constitution
The United States Constitution Vote ️ Show Results (watch ad for results) View Next Poll ➡️ Today’s special event: March 16, 1751, is President James Madison‘s birthday. 50:50 groups call $0 $100 $200 Submit Final Answer The Constitution is presented in several ways on this site. This page presents the Constitution on one large […]
Bill Of Rights
Constitutional Topic: The Bill of Rights Vote ️ Show Results (watch ad for results) View Next Poll ➡️ The Constitutional Topics pages at the site are presented to delve deeper into topics than can be provided on the Glossary Page or in the FAQ pages. This Topic Page concerns The Bill of Rights. […]
US Declaration of Independence
The concept of the "Separation of Church and State" was derived from personal letters between Jefferson and the Danbury Baptists.
Originally posted by thekarens View PostAnd though I agree that Jefferson did some tremendous things he was still a slave owner.
By today's standards Benjamin Franklin (another of our Founding Fathers) was sold into slavery at the age of 12 when he was forced to take an apprenticeship at a print shop. Back then an apprenticeship was being forced to work for free for an agreed upon period of time with the threat of conviction for breaking a contract between 2 other parties if the apprenticeship is not completed.
The point is this. As society changes, so do the rules of what is legally and socially acceptable. It seems unreasonable to me to discount all the great things our Founding Fathers did by judging them by todays standards.All men are created equal but his choices determine his value and what's in his heart determines his worth.
"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end"
Originally posted by newb View PostNot a rude question...I promise. But how to Gays still consider themselves Christian??? Im not saying that they are wrong or right...thats not my decision. But when I read the Bible it is Leviticus 18:22, which reads: "You shall not lie with a man as one lies with a woman, it is an abomination". Clearly the words of the Bible are not those of acceptance. I personally am not one to judge somebody on their CHOICE, I have many gay friends, but I have just never asked how some still pronounce themselves a Christian.
On a separate note, I consider myself Agnostic, and I am fine with it. I have always had an interest in life sciences, especially with the fossil records. My CDD classes (the courses you have to take in Catholic Church for all the sacraments) kept telling me NOT to believe it, and that there were no such things as dinosaurs, mammoths and cave people, etc, but I could not be persuaded as such. Also, having gone to a high school with a mostly Jewish population exposed me to other ideologies, so for me as an individual, I cannot view one single religion as the "right" one for me. What I did observe, was religion, which is supposed to be a set of rules to help you be a loving caring individual, being used as an excuse to hate and judge others. In sum, I am an Agnostic, but I am not an Atheist. I am fine with that.Last edited by Nickintex; 05-11-2010, 12:21 AM.PLECOS SUCK!
Originally posted by newb View Posta gay person cant be truely sorry for it if they do it everyday of their lives. I know this is a touchy subject, but as a casual question I just never brought it up for fear of losing some friends of mine.PLECOS SUCK!