I was wondering where you were Nick. I used to be very close minded about homosexuality in high school. I played baseball and was mildly influenced by the guys on the team and homosexuality was unacceptable. Once i graduated and started seeing the world for what it is, I realized that my views on people and life were wrong. I even wrote a paper arguing that being gay was a choice for people. Later on down the road, I met gay people at work and in bars and realized that alot of gay people had no say in the matter. They were literally born that way. Thats not to say that some people dont choose, because i'm sure there are people that wake up one day and think, "i wonder what thats like" and love it.
Anyway, Randall said that you cant truly be sorry for being gay because you live as a homosexual ever single day of your life. If thats true, do you (Randall) honestly feel sorry every time you sleep with your girlfriend out of wedlock? I'm not judging you because I had a child and I'm not technically married. I'm also not picking on you Randall but you were the only one bold enough to ask that question.
For what its worth Nick, from my knowledge of the Christian bible, you wont be going to hell because you're gay. From the little bit that I know of you, you seem like a kind person who cares about people and loves animals. I've never seen you be mean to anybody or judge anybody openly. I've never heard a negative word out of your mouth. I dont see you openly breaking the law or intentionally trying to hurt others. Thats a whole lot more than what I can say for most of the people on this thread claiming to be so "religious".
Anyway, Randall said that you cant truly be sorry for being gay because you live as a homosexual ever single day of your life. If thats true, do you (Randall) honestly feel sorry every time you sleep with your girlfriend out of wedlock? I'm not judging you because I had a child and I'm not technically married. I'm also not picking on you Randall but you were the only one bold enough to ask that question.
For what its worth Nick, from my knowledge of the Christian bible, you wont be going to hell because you're gay. From the little bit that I know of you, you seem like a kind person who cares about people and loves animals. I've never seen you be mean to anybody or judge anybody openly. I've never heard a negative word out of your mouth. I dont see you openly breaking the law or intentionally trying to hurt others. Thats a whole lot more than what I can say for most of the people on this thread claiming to be so "religious".