I'm not getting in the middle of this, but I feel I need to respond to a couple of things...
Just for the record, I would never make HFB a pay site. Ever. I have no problem with you not donating to HFB. It's completely voluntary and no one is ever pressured to do so. As for HFB not making the world a better place, well, I have to say that HFB makes MY world a better place. I would hope other's feel the same as I do. And fortunately, we have several boxers, new and old, who have contributed to the cost of keeping HFB running. I have to believe they feel that HFB benefits their world in some way other than just being a time-suck, or they wouldn't have donated anything toward the cost of running the site.
No one should be posting any personal information on this site, especially in the way of a tax return.
Originally posted by stevenallenbarnard
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Originally posted by stevenallenbarnard
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