Thanks! I just read stuff on that site, and will have to dig further. They must have huge variability in their samples. . . that's the only explanation I can come up with for 1000 samples to be required. I still have a problem believing that. I found their list of papers on the site, too.
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Whale Wars (Sea Shepards) Kooks. Crooks or Cowboys?
I watch this show regularly and I fully support the Sea Shepherds in their attempt to stop the slaughter of the whales. They aren't terrorists or hippies or stooges. The Japanese lie and say that they are doing research when they aren't. I don't agree with some of the Shepherds tactics because some of them are potentially dangerous but somebody needs to be fighting for the animals. Humans think they own this planet and every animal is fair game. I don't think that some of you guys have room to call anybody stooges.If it ain't wild caught
You ain't doing it right