I would like to apologize up front for the verbose nature of this post.
So, not surprising, when challenged to support his postings Nick runs and hides. Well, I can shed some light on this phenomenon.
After some research, it turns out that our fellow HFB'er found a new Facebook group "Americans Against the Tea Party". Apparently this is porn for liberals and our fellow boxer read this page and got himself worked up into a frenzy. Once all worked up and excited, what else can you do but find a release. So, Nick, in a frenzy of liberal excitement did what I guess made sense to any liberal, he came to HFB and spewed all over us. If you visit this page, you will see that Nick's flurry of links and posts were taken from this page and it's members almost verbatim. Almost every word including "She;s a Witch" and Tea Party Republicans", all the links, taken directly from this FB page. This explains why Nick was incapable of providing any personal thoughts or opinions to support his position, because they were not his thoughts. There were no independent thoughts to be shared. This was simply an "All Out" assault waged by Nick on the more moderate and conservative members of HFB (some of whom he likes to call friends) with his new found source of ammunition.
The really bizarre take away from this for me is this... Nick always plays the Victim card. He will speak out against hate and claim to be picked on or ganged up on BUT this is Nick's self fulfilling prophecy you see. He finds a new "Hate Site" and comes to HFB and spews his new found hate source messages at HFB'ers. And what happens? He further alienates himself and instead of taking ownership of his actions, he plays the victim again.
A victim of his own actions and his own hatred.
So, not surprising, when challenged to support his postings Nick runs and hides. Well, I can shed some light on this phenomenon.
After some research, it turns out that our fellow HFB'er found a new Facebook group "Americans Against the Tea Party". Apparently this is porn for liberals and our fellow boxer read this page and got himself worked up into a frenzy. Once all worked up and excited, what else can you do but find a release. So, Nick, in a frenzy of liberal excitement did what I guess made sense to any liberal, he came to HFB and spewed all over us. If you visit this page, you will see that Nick's flurry of links and posts were taken from this page and it's members almost verbatim. Almost every word including "She;s a Witch" and Tea Party Republicans", all the links, taken directly from this FB page. This explains why Nick was incapable of providing any personal thoughts or opinions to support his position, because they were not his thoughts. There were no independent thoughts to be shared. This was simply an "All Out" assault waged by Nick on the more moderate and conservative members of HFB (some of whom he likes to call friends) with his new found source of ammunition.
The really bizarre take away from this for me is this... Nick always plays the Victim card. He will speak out against hate and claim to be picked on or ganged up on BUT this is Nick's self fulfilling prophecy you see. He finds a new "Hate Site" and comes to HFB and spews his new found hate source messages at HFB'ers. And what happens? He further alienates himself and instead of taking ownership of his actions, he plays the victim again.
A victim of his own actions and his own hatred.