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Little known facts...

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  • Little known facts...

    Here are some facts your kids won't learn in school. The Race baiters out there don't want you to know, and all the "victims" will deny or call you a racist for knowing and sharing. Jesse, Al, the NAACP, etc... don't want you to know this because it's hard to be a victim when the facts are exposed.

    1)The first person to go to court to "own" slaves in the U.S. was a Black man. Anthony Johnson was a slave owner who went to the courts and petitioned to have slaves made property for life (as well as any children born to slaves). He won his case and that was the beginning of slavery (as we are taught) transitioning from indentured servitude.
    2)Indentured Servitude was the first form of slavery in the U.S. and was mostly young white boys who were sold into indentured servitude. This included most of our Founding Fathers who were at some point indentured servants. Anthony Johnson brought this to an end with his court case to "own" slaves for life.
    3)The single largest slave holder in South Carolina, owning over 350 slaves was a Black man, William Ellison who himself was a former slave like Thomas Jefferson (Yes, the Founding Father was considered a slave when he was young and in indentured servitude)
    4)The first slave ship to arrive in the the U.S. (or The Colonies) was met by Colonists with much anger. The Colonists arrested the captain of the ship and returned the African prisoners back to Africa and released them to their home land.
    5)The African Slave Trade existed for thousands of years prior to Europeans arrival in Africa. The African slave trade still exist today with Africans being owned as slaves by other Africans. The history of the African Slave Trade goes back to (and is still the same today) African tribal wars where the Africans would capture members of rival tribes and sell or hold those captives as slaves. It was very rare for White Europeans to go beyond the coastal borders into the interior of Africa. Almost all African slaves were captured and sold into slavery by other Africans.
    6)The American Colonies resisted slavery until the British Government demanded that The Colonies use white European and black African slaves to increase food production for export to England.
    7)The very last known living Slave in America was freed in 1870. There have been no African slaves in the U.S. for over 140 years.

    You can find all of this information and much more in the following books that cite all reference material for fact checking.

    "American History in Black and White" by David Barton
    "Black Slave Owners" by Larry Koger
    and there is a PBS special on this "Africans in America"

    So next time someone tries to exploit you into feeling "White Guilt" you can have your facts straight and remember, much like myself (yes, as a Descendant of European heritage, I have white slaves in my family tree), you probably have relatives who were slaves in America no matter what your race is.
    All men are created equal but his choices determine his value and what's in his heart determines his worth.

    "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end"

  • #2
    wow.......I did not know that....seems they skipped over these facts when I went to High School....seems that covering the civil war was all we had time for in my history class........that's what I get for going to public schools I guess....

    Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


    • #3
      Originally posted by CichlidFan View Post
      wow.......I did not know that....seems they skipped over these facts when I went to High School....seems that covering the civil war was all we had time for in my history class........that's what I get for going to public schools I guess....

      And that my friend is the way they want it. If we know the facts and the truth, it makes it hard for all the Liberals out there to rely on our ignorance and guilt to exploit us for their own gain. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and even Obama can't as easily argue to strip away the "earnings" of hard working Americans to redistribute to their socially engineered victims.
      All men are created equal but his choices determine his value and what's in his heart determines his worth.

      "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end"


      • #4
        Would it be wrong to say I wish I had slaves?
        I ate my fish that died.


        • #5
          i am aware of the case you are talking about with John Casor, who was the first slave in the US, before it was officially the US mind you, to be declared a slave for life by the courts....nothing in that trial said that every slave would be a slave for life and their children would or anything like that....the case was mostly a lawsuit against a white slave owner who had taken John Casor to work for him claiming he had served his term with Anthony Johnson, who then sued his claiming that the slave never had an indenture and was his for life. The court ruled in his favor....but it was only a ruling for that one instance, it may have set a bad precidence for the future but they did not so anything you stated above about petitioning to mkae all slaves slaves for life and their children slaves and all of that.

          also, while it is true that young white immigrants were used as indentured servants it was not slavery in the same sense of black slavery that was eventually started. it was originally started as a way for people who normally could not have afforded to do so to immigrate to the colonies and in exchange farmers would pay their fees and the immigrants would work off the debt for a few years then be released with skills that allowed them to start a trade or get their own farm. It is how a struggling colony was able to build itself. their was no shame in working for what you got back then. maybe those conditions are considered slavery now because people have all of the freedom in the world and have become entitled and spoiled...

          either way i am not sure how any of these things support people being able to cast aside what was done to an entire race and give people the right to be racists.

          to be honest i didnt even finish reading the rest of your post because it really frustrates me when people try to twist thing in order to make light of or somehow justify things that to me are clearly wrong.
          I love my baby girl!


          • #6
            He isn't simply twisting things and making a statement that says what happened was ok. What he is posting is what the truth is behind the creation of slavery that most teachers and society hides from people.
            Resident fish bum
            330G FOWLR
            34G Reef
            330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
            28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
            Treasurer, GHAC


            • #7
              but not all of it is the exact truth, he is twisting things the same way the schools do to make his point stronger
              I love my baby girl!


              • #8
                Originally posted by nikkijean1 View Post
                i am aware of the case you are talking about with John Casor, who was the first slave in the US, before it was officially the US mind you, to be declared a slave for life by the courts....nothing in that trial said that every slave would be a slave for life and their children would or anything like that....the case was mostly a lawsuit against a white slave owner who had taken John Casor to work for him claiming he had served his term with Anthony Johnson, who then sued his claiming that the slave never had an indenture and was his for life. The court ruled in his favor....but it was only a ruling for that one instance, it may have set a bad precidence for the future but they did not so anything you stated above about petitioning to mkae all slaves slaves for life and their children slaves and all of that.

                also, while it is true that young white immigrants were used as indentured servants it was not slavery in the same sense of black slavery that was eventually started. it was originally started as a way for people who normally could not have afforded to do so to immigrate to the colonies and in exchange farmers would pay their fees and the immigrants would work off the debt for a few years then be released with skills that allowed them to start a trade or get their own farm. It is how a struggling colony was able to build itself. their was no shame in working for what you got back then. maybe those conditions are considered slavery now because people have all of the freedom in the world and have become entitled and spoiled...

                either way i am not sure how any of these things support people being able to cast aside what was done to an entire race and give people the right to be racists.

                to be honest i didnt even finish reading the rest of your post because it really frustrates me when people try to twist thing in order to make light of or somehow justify things that to me are clearly wrong.
                I would like to respectfully inform you that you are wrong on most of your commentary. What I provided in this thread are well documented historical facts. If you are not interested in the History reference books I cited, I can recommend others but I would also respectfully recommend finding accurate historical reference material if you truly want to know the facts. If you just want to believe whatever supports what you think you know, you can keep sticking with wikipedia but know this, I am citing historical reference material and actual case history. Unlike Wikipedia, my sources can be cited and used in a court of law.
                All men are created equal but his choices determine his value and what's in his heart determines his worth.

                "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by nikkijean1 View Post
                  but not all of it is the exact truth, he is twisting things the same way the schools do to make his point stronger
                  I have twisted nothing. You are wrong. Please cite your sources if you believe the facts I have provided are wrong.
                  All men are created equal but his choices determine his value and what's in his heart determines his worth.

                  "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end"


                  • #10
                    you are the one that originally claimed the facts so please site your me somethine that says the case of anthony johnson vs robert parker had anything to do with him having "petitioned to have slaves made property for life (as well as any children born to slaves)" it was a case of "you have something that i think belongs to me so give it back." I dont have time to go through each one and find sources for you, but i dont have to defend it because i didnt say it. If you are going to outright tell someone they are wrong then tell me why. I explained myself earlier. Unless you want the entire news and events forum to keep being what certain people have turned it into which is a forum that like 3 people use to share their opinions and chase off anyone with a mind of their own then so be it, I wont post another thing and it can continue to be a list of threads with no responses. Not trying to be rude but I thought this was supposed to be construction discussions not people needing the feel right all the time.
                    I love my baby girl!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by nikkijean1 View Post
                      either way i am not sure how any of these things support people being able to cast aside what was done to an entire race
                      I am not aware of the historical facts supporting your "an entire race" comment. please explain where/when in the history of the U.S. "an entire race" was wronged in some way. I would be interested in learning more about this claim.

                      Originally posted by nikkijean1 View Post
                      and give people the right to be racists.
                      While everyone has the "right" to think what they want, I think we are in agreement on the wrongs of acting out racist beliefs. If you go back and read my posts, you will see that I abhor racism of all forms no matter who (or race) the offender is.

                      Originally posted by nikkijean1 View Post
                      to be honest i didnt even finish reading the rest of your post because it really frustrates me when people try to twist thing in order to make light of or somehow justify things that to me are clearly wrong.
                      I twisted nothing. I simply provided facts that typically ignored or omitted from the public school system or by those with an agenda. I did not make light of history, I did not alter the facts and I do not believe it justifies any repugnant behavior by white or black hate groups.

                      On a lighter note, I find it encouraging that you seem to be open and willing to have a discussion on the topic. That is the first step to learning and growing. There are many people out there that would prefer not to know the facts or have the facts known. That is the reason I have spent so much time researching this subject. I always find it suspicious when someone wants to hide (or hide from) the truth.
                      All men are created equal but his choices determine his value and what's in his heart determines his worth.

                      "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end"


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by nikkijean1 View Post
                        you are the one that originally claimed the facts so please site your me somethine that says the case of anthony johnson vs robert parker had anything to do with him having "petitioned to have slaves made property for life (as well as any children born to slaves)" it was a case of "you have something that i think belongs to me so give it back." I dont have time to go through each one and find sources for you, but i dont have to defend it because i didnt say it. If you are going to outright tell someone they are wrong then tell me why. I explained myself earlier. Unless you want the entire news and events forum to keep being what certain people have turned it into which is a forum that like 3 people use to share their opinions and chase off anyone with a mind of their own then so be it, I wont post another thing and it can continue to be a list of threads with no responses. Not trying to be rude but I thought this was supposed to be construction discussions not people needing the feel right all the time.
                        Here is some accurate information from PBS. I will also dig up the court case and court record numbers for you if you like but I think you will see that the facts clearly dispute your earlier claims.

                        Anthony Johnson (? - 1670) was an early black resident of the Virginia Colony. He was one of the original 20 African laborers brought to Jamestown in 1619 as an indentured servant. On records from Jamestown, he is referred to as "Antonio a Negro". In the 1640s, he purchased his freedom from indentured servitude for both himself and his wife and by 1651 he was prosperous enough to import five "servants" of his own, for which he was granted as "headrights".

                        According to the earliest known court records, slavery was first established in Virginia in 1654, when Johnson convinced the court in Northampton County that he was entitled to the lifetime services of John Casor, also a black man. Claiming that he had been imported as an indentured servant, Casor attempted to transfer what he argued was his remaining time of service to Robert Parker, a white, but Johnson insisted that he "had ye Negro for his life.

                        The court ruled that "seriously consideringe and maturely weighing the premisses, that the said Mr. Robert Parker most unjustly keepeth the said Negro from Anthony Johnson his master....It is therefore the Judgement of the Court and ordered That the said John Casor Negro forthwith returne unto the service of the said master Anthony Johnson, And that Mr. Robert Parker make payment of all charges in the suit."

                        The unfortunate defendant in the court action, John Casor, thus became the first individual in Virginia known to be legally declared a slave by the government (before this case legally defined bondage had not yet fully taken hold in Virginia, although it had already by the 1630s in Massachusetts; in Virginia blacks were indentured servants up until slavery gradually took effect).

                        All men are created equal but his choices determine his value and what's in his heart determines his worth.

                        "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end"


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by nikkijean1 View Post
                          you are the one that originally claimed the facts so please site your me somethine that says the case of anthony johnson vs robert parker had anything to do with him having "petitioned to have slaves made property for life (as well as any children born to slaves)" it was a case of "you have something that i think belongs to me so give it back." I dont have time to go through each one and find sources for you, but i dont have to defend it because i didnt say it. If you are going to outright tell someone they are wrong then tell me why. I explained myself earlier. Unless you want the entire news and events forum to keep being what certain people have turned it into which is a forum that like 3 people use to share their opinions and chase off anyone with a mind of their own then so be it, I wont post another thing and it can continue to be a list of threads with no responses. Not trying to be rude but I thought this was supposed to be construction discussions not people needing the feel right all the time.
                          Johnson v Parker: The Legal Battle for John Casor Virginia, 1654

                          Johnson took Robert Parker to court over Casor, and the court's decision in Johnson v Parker would set the tone for black and white relations in America for the next three hundred years. Anthony Johnson won his case, and it was decided that Casor owed Johnson his service, indefinitely. The ruling made John Casor the first person in U.S. history to officially become a slave; subsequently making Anthony Johnson the first recognized slave holder in American history.

                          All men are created equal but his choices determine his value and what's in his heart determines his worth.

                          "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end"


                          • #14
                            So my question is why must he provide evidence that you are wrong when the initial post had everything about his discussion. Yet you dont have to provide evidence of your claim that he is twisting the truth.
                            Resident fish bum
                            330G FOWLR
                            34G Reef
                            330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                            28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                            Treasurer, GHAC


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Darbex View Post
                              So my question is why must he provide evidence that you are wrong when the initial post had everything about his discussion. Yet you dont have to provide evidence of your claim that he is twisting the truth.
                              That is exactly why so many people have run from this forum and now read but don't post. Why there have been so many casualties. Hopefully Nikkijean will not allow her "Feelings" to interfere with the opportunity to learn the "Facts" or educate us in areas we have not explored. It would be disappointing (but not surprising) to see another person simply want to spew emotionally clouded opinions without offering us the opportunity to learn something new based on fact.

                              I guess that's the key difference. I want to know how people feel but first you have to establish the factual foundation on which those feelings are based. If your feelings are not based on facts, you can't expect either to be given any regard.

                              1. Establish the Facts/Truth
                              2. Form an opinion
                              3. Discuss the merits
                              All men are created equal but his choices determine his value and what's in his heart determines his worth.

                              "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end"

