Here are some facts your kids won't learn in school. The Race baiters out there don't want you to know, and all the "victims" will deny or call you a racist for knowing and sharing. Jesse, Al, the NAACP, etc... don't want you to know this because it's hard to be a victim when the facts are exposed.
1)The first person to go to court to "own" slaves in the U.S. was a Black man. Anthony Johnson was a slave owner who went to the courts and petitioned to have slaves made property for life (as well as any children born to slaves). He won his case and that was the beginning of slavery (as we are taught) transitioning from indentured servitude.
2)Indentured Servitude was the first form of slavery in the U.S. and was mostly young white boys who were sold into indentured servitude. This included most of our Founding Fathers who were at some point indentured servants. Anthony Johnson brought this to an end with his court case to "own" slaves for life.
3)The single largest slave holder in South Carolina, owning over 350 slaves was a Black man, William Ellison who himself was a former slave like Thomas Jefferson (Yes, the Founding Father was considered a slave when he was young and in indentured servitude)
4)The first slave ship to arrive in the the U.S. (or The Colonies) was met by Colonists with much anger. The Colonists arrested the captain of the ship and returned the African prisoners back to Africa and released them to their home land.
5)The African Slave Trade existed for thousands of years prior to Europeans arrival in Africa. The African slave trade still exist today with Africans being owned as slaves by other Africans. The history of the African Slave Trade goes back to (and is still the same today) African tribal wars where the Africans would capture members of rival tribes and sell or hold those captives as slaves. It was very rare for White Europeans to go beyond the coastal borders into the interior of Africa. Almost all African slaves were captured and sold into slavery by other Africans.
6)The American Colonies resisted slavery until the British Government demanded that The Colonies use white European and black African slaves to increase food production for export to England.
7)The very last known living Slave in America was freed in 1870. There have been no African slaves in the U.S. for over 140 years.
You can find all of this information and much more in the following books that cite all reference material for fact checking.
"American History in Black and White" by David Barton
"Black Slave Owners" by Larry Koger
and there is a PBS special on this "Africans in America"
So next time someone tries to exploit you into feeling "White Guilt" you can have your facts straight and remember, much like myself (yes, as a Descendant of European heritage, I have white slaves in my family tree), you probably have relatives who were slaves in America no matter what your race is.
1)The first person to go to court to "own" slaves in the U.S. was a Black man. Anthony Johnson was a slave owner who went to the courts and petitioned to have slaves made property for life (as well as any children born to slaves). He won his case and that was the beginning of slavery (as we are taught) transitioning from indentured servitude.
2)Indentured Servitude was the first form of slavery in the U.S. and was mostly young white boys who were sold into indentured servitude. This included most of our Founding Fathers who were at some point indentured servants. Anthony Johnson brought this to an end with his court case to "own" slaves for life.
3)The single largest slave holder in South Carolina, owning over 350 slaves was a Black man, William Ellison who himself was a former slave like Thomas Jefferson (Yes, the Founding Father was considered a slave when he was young and in indentured servitude)
4)The first slave ship to arrive in the the U.S. (or The Colonies) was met by Colonists with much anger. The Colonists arrested the captain of the ship and returned the African prisoners back to Africa and released them to their home land.
5)The African Slave Trade existed for thousands of years prior to Europeans arrival in Africa. The African slave trade still exist today with Africans being owned as slaves by other Africans. The history of the African Slave Trade goes back to (and is still the same today) African tribal wars where the Africans would capture members of rival tribes and sell or hold those captives as slaves. It was very rare for White Europeans to go beyond the coastal borders into the interior of Africa. Almost all African slaves were captured and sold into slavery by other Africans.
6)The American Colonies resisted slavery until the British Government demanded that The Colonies use white European and black African slaves to increase food production for export to England.
7)The very last known living Slave in America was freed in 1870. There have been no African slaves in the U.S. for over 140 years.
You can find all of this information and much more in the following books that cite all reference material for fact checking.
"American History in Black and White" by David Barton
"Black Slave Owners" by Larry Koger
and there is a PBS special on this "Africans in America"
So next time someone tries to exploit you into feeling "White Guilt" you can have your facts straight and remember, much like myself (yes, as a Descendant of European heritage, I have white slaves in my family tree), you probably have relatives who were slaves in America no matter what your race is.