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Charity Tank for Children's Cancer Hospital

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  • #16
    I have a stupid question. Why not ask the GC to provide the tank! Since thier profit margin is huge it would be a simple write off for them.


    • #17

      I'm speaking for myself and no one else...but I think you being a little to harsh on the site not backing your project. Even though I think it's a wonderful thing to do, this website should not be a major player in this. Nor contacting ADG directly. If this a project you want to see I would advise you to contact the POWERS to be at MD Anderson and go up the chain of command. There are liabitly issues at stake for this site and members.

      1. Insurance and bonds. For this site to "sponsor this" we would need to carry some form of insurance and bonds. A cracked or leaky tank can cause alot of damage.

      2. Maintence. who will provide it once it's set up? US? THEM? blah

      Not to come off harsh...but sometime a little push is needed
      Last edited by Delock; 01-11-2010, 12:40 PM.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Delock View Post
        1. Insurance and bonds. For this site to "sponsor this" we would need to carry some form of insurance and bonds. A cracked or leaky tank can cause alot of damage.
        I agree 100% with the liability issues. Unless a contract is in place to limit said liability then HFB should not "sponsor" the project. I deal with clients everyday that sue and get sued over the dumbest things. A cracked or leaky tank means endless litigation cost for both sides.
        Last edited by myjohnson; 01-11-2010, 01:58 PM. Reason: sp
        I ate my fish that died.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Lawslady View Post
          Lawsman and I would like to thank all of you that expressed interest in helping with the charity tank for MD Anderson Children's Hospital. However, the owner and administrator of has decided that they will not support this charitable effort. We thought you should all be aware of this change. The efforts to install the tank will continue without the support of this forum. Thank you.
          Just a little clarification on this matter.

          HFB (the site and the community) has and will continue to support this endeavor as a place for coordination and communication as long as it and those responsible comply with the rules and guidelines of the forum. HFB (the site) cannot "Sponsor" or "Manage" this project at this time, nor has HFB (the site) offered to do so. For Legal/liability reasons, HFB (the site) has not made adequate arrangements to do so. HFB (the site) should not be represented by any members as the "Sponsor" of this project. To HFB's knowledge, this project and all responsibility is wholly owned by it's coordinator (HFB Screen name: Lawsman).
          All men are created equal but his choices determine his value and what's in his heart determines his worth.

          "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end"


          • #20
            Originally posted by Delock View Post

            I'm speaking for myself and no one else...but I think you being a little to harsh on the site not backing your project. Even though I think it's a wonderful thing to do, this website should not be a major player in this. Nor contacting ADG directly. If this a project you want to see I would advise you to contact the POWERS to be at MD Anderson and go up the chain of command. There are liabitly issues at stake for this site and members.

            1. Insurance and bonds. For this site to "sponsor this" we would need to carry some form of insurance and bonds. A cracked or leaky tank can cause alot of damage.

            2. Maintence. who will provide it once it's set up? US? THEM? blah

            Not to come off harsh...but sometime a little push is needed
            The general contractor in a state low bid job, such as MD Anderson, does not care about repeat business. They focus on low bids and not establishing relationships. This is Lawsmans job and he deals with the daily. MD Anderson has many, many aquariums throughout the properties and has an existing contract with ADG for maintenance. They are already bonded and insured. The tank in the Children's Hospital would fall under this existing contract. HFB would have no liability. The desire was to have HFB members donate their expertise, time and perhaps money, if they so wish. By sponser we only meant support the communication, fundraising, and help with the design (under the guidance of ADG). In previous conversations there was never a mention of a concern over liability.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Lawslady View Post
              The general contractor in a state low bid job, such as MD Anderson, does not care about repeat business. They focus on low bids and not establishing relationships. This is Lawsmans job and he deals with the daily. MD Anderson has many, many aquariums throughout the properties and has an existing contract with ADG for maintenance. They are already bonded and insured. The tank in the Children's Hospital would fall under this existing contract. HFB would have no liability. The desire was to have HFB members donate their expertise, time and perhaps money, if they so wish. By sponser we only meant support the communication, fundraising, and help with the design (under the guidance of ADG). In previous conversations there was never a mention of a concern over liability.

              Not to beat a dead horse me if they using Means...which they have too! A nice profit is being made. I think I deal with it daily also...let me check on that.

              Now to the other stuff.maybe it is I. However, until you posted the above info it was never mention that the tank would fall under ADG existing contract and such.

              In addition, I did not see what size tank, fish, or anything else. Not even need this info to match the drawings as related to power and water. Moreover, where the nearest drain or restroom. Trust me..I would go thru the PM for the GC and speak to them about donating a tank. If you do not feel like you can do it then let us all raise money and buy my tank and we could use it!

              Plus.if you are a Construction PM, you should know about liability of allowing one entity to come in and work on another entity project. This being said before your last post that we (HFB) and possible ADG would be responsible for the tank and cleaning. Thus some agreement would have to be meet with the GC since the things mention above would need to be discuss and etc etc etc....hope I did not twist what you were saying around.

              Dang I forgot to use smileys............
              here you go ):icon_hang:


              • #22
                There is no cost code for an aquarium in Means, unless of course you have information that I don't. I would be happy to take a look at that when you find it. All aquariums in MDA would are either currently maintained by ADG or are being transitioned to ADG. Do you think they would not do a good job? Have you seen the aquariums in MDA? They are beautiful, unlike the one I recently saw in St. Luke's CVICU waiting room. Of course the electrical and plumbing would need to be evaluated and we have already spoken to ADG about being a part of this evaluation and planning. MDA does nothing without an engineer sign off, which is why we would like to get this project moving. I assure you that this project will be done professionally and correctly. We have already obtain appoval from the powers that be at MDA such as infection control and safety.

                Oh's your smiley.

                <Removed smiley. This is a forum for all ages.> - imagirlgeek
                Last edited by imagirlgeek; 01-11-2010, 07:27 PM. Reason: Removed offensive smiley


                • #23
                  )See, if you were half the project manager you make out to be you would have understood my original post. I SAID!!!! Ask the GC or contact the powers to be at MD Anderson. Depending on the size which you never said. Most GC's would donate the tanks as a tax write off.

                  Plus...before you go out and asked everyone for money or time. Spell your plan out a little more detail. Sorry that you found someone to bust your bubble on this. But a few of us on here knows about construction.

                  And MR. Project Manager....

                  Tips on Estimating Commissioning of Aquarium Costs from RSMeans

                  Commissioning of Aquariums - 13 08 13

                  Covering All Bases
                  If you take outside quotes as an aid to estimating Special Construction, review the scope of work covered in those quotes. It may be that the outside agent has wrongfully assumed that you will provide traditionally supplied items such as excavation or an unloading crane. Check to make sure that it is covered somewhere in your estimate, and that it is not carried by both parties.
                  Review all documentation to ensure that all interfaces, such as electrical connections and control wiring, are accounted for. These items have a habit of falling through the cracks of an estimate.

                  Everything is in RS MEANS!

                  Now get off your wife account before you get her account in trouble.


                  • #24
                    MDACC only uses Means for projects less than $15 k of late. Most of the new projects are CSP. As you know Vaughn does a lot of business at MDACC, but they do not offer much in charity for aquariums. Yeah, we could probally get a GC to pay for it, but they will make it up someplace else. They are in the business to make money. Dave has met with infection control and EH&S to get their buy in. Next step is to meet with the Dir. of Nursing to get her views. If she agrees, then he will follow the steps you so intligently laid out.

                    So, Dave would rather ask for $ from non GC's, because there will always be that "you owe me" deal when things get tough in negotiating a construction contract. I guess your code of ethics does not take that into account, tax write off or not! Oh, did Dave tell you MD Anderson has their own Millwork shop-so only engineers stamp will be needed!

                    This was meant to be a tank donated by local aquarists, not local GC's. Simple as that!

                    I wil make sure Dave is aware of your comments about ADG.


                    • #25
                      At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. Liability had nothing to do with why I chose to opt out.

                      The reason I chose to remove my involvement was because Lawsman and I had serious communication issues and, at his request, his donation to HFB was refunded and his account was cancelled. Simple as that.

                      As I told Lawsman, he could still coordinate with any members who were interested in being involved, but HFB as a website would not be. The line below is a direct quote.

                      "Since you are choosing to leave HFB, and it has become obvious that you and I cannot work together, I think it's safe to say that HFB will no longer be involved in the charity tank. If you have already coordinated with other members, of course that is not my business, but HFB (as a website) will no longer be involved."
                      Our Fishhouse
                      Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


                      • #26
                        That's right! David donated the money on behalf to HFB to local animal shelter becasue HFB sells dogs on a fish forum!


                        • #27
                          Good, I'm glad the money went to a good cause.

                          Again, to be clear, "HFB" doesn't sell dogs. And that whole conversation has already been hashed out here. Anyone interested in reading my views is welcome to visit that link.
                          Our Fishhouse
                          Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.


                          • #28
                            Puppies! Get your Puppies here... before we turn them into a new coat for girlgeek. Get em while their hot, uh warm.

                            All men are created equal but his choices determine his value and what's in his heart determines his worth.

                            "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end"


                            • #29
                              I'll take one of each Sir. Thank you so much.

                              Ha Ha Ha What is the deal man??



                              • #30
                                I think it's dead already.

                                • 90g Planted - Journal - New Pics Mar23
                                • 75g Planted - Journal (on PT)
                                • 29g Planted - Journal
                                • 29g Planted
                                • 5g Planted RCS

