How about a profile section with species that members can give comments and their own experiances with them? Like the aquatic predators forum?
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Profile section
Re: Profile section
Originally posted by Armadillo_Del_Rio";p="How about a profile section with species that members can give comments and their own experiances with them? Like the aquatic predators forum?
Re: Profile section
this is there website:
Good forum but not for me, even though i have two bichir, it is just to scary to have something that will bite you or sting you in your own home as a pet...Plecos:
L083 (Gibby)
L104 (Clown)
L147 (Peckoltia sp.)
L155 (A. Hystrix)
L310 (Red Fin Bruno)
LDA72 (BN)
LDA76 (False Zebra)
Rineloricaria parva (whiptail)
Rineloricaria lancelota
Re: Profile section
Originally posted by houstonfishbox";p="That would be a good project. I'll give it some thought.
So I am a newbie to this forum but I thought I would make a suggestion. So here it goes:
I have been looking at other sites because I want to find good accurate fish profiles. I have been very disappointed. So far, all I have gotten is a lot of mixed information. I noticed that many other fish forums have their own section devoted to fish profiles created by the users. The formats seem to vary a lot and there is usually very little content. So I thought that we should get on the bandwagon, steal the reins, and throw everyone else off with our over the top, awesome fish profiles (so to speak). I think it would be a great thing for us to have that everyone could get involved with. It would be excellent for those who want to try to keep new kinds of fish and do not know what they are getting into. It would be a great educational experience for everyone!
So if the powers that be decide this is a good idea, we would HAVE to have some RULES!
1. User creating the profile has to own or have owned said fish.
2. The user must keep to the format and provide as much information as possible. If they are not sure about something they can make a note about it, and maybe someone else will know the correct answer.
3. Every profile must have a photo of the fish. If the males and females of the species look different than at least two must be posted. Juvenile stages and/or fry pictures may also help. All photos must be yours or another FishBoxer’s. If it is not your own then the owner must be given due credit.
4. Every user that creates a profile or gives additional information on one must TURN OFF their SIGNATURES. Turning them off makes them less confusing to the ones reading it and they look nicer. This is especially true if there are pictures in the signature because readers may confuse the pictures of the fish in the profile to the one in your signature.
5. There will be NO HIJACKING. I hope that when this happens mods will delete posts. The only posts allowed should be additional information about the fish, other member’s experiences with the fish (pertaining to the profile), or additional photos.
6. Proofread! Please use complete sentences and correct grammar. Write your profile in Microsoft Word (or equivalent) a couple of times and use spell check before posting.
I think that if we all follow the rules this will make it much smoother. Here is the format I am suggesting. There is a lot of information but that is what I like about it. The more the better!-Laura-
Re: Profile section
TITLE: This should have the scientific name and the common name. Put the scientific name before the common name.
COMMON NAME/S: Please give the one in the thread title first and then post any others. This should also be bolded.
SCIENTIFIC NAME: This should include the genus and species. The scientific name may have changed some due to new research about the fish so also post that information.
FAMILY: This is the family name of the fish.
ORIGIN: Where this fish originated from in the wild. This can either be the region of the world or the countries where it comes from.
HABITAT: What is the fish’s habitat? Does it live in a stream bottom or a lake?
SIZE: The size of the fish should be in inches and then in centimeters.
MAX WILD: What is the max size of the fish in the wild?
MAX CAPTIVE: What is the max size of the fish in captivity?
MINIMUM TANK SIZE: What is the minimum tank size for this fish to live relatively happy? Please give the size in gallons, liters, and also the average tank dimensions.
TEMPERAMENT/COMPATIBILITY: Is this fish peaceful, semi-aggressive, or aggressive to members of its own species? Is this fish peaceful, semi-aggressive, or aggressive to other species of fish? Does it pick on others or leave them alone? If they need a school, give the minimum members in a school and the ratio of males to females (if necessary).
TANK ZONE: Where in the tank do they usually swim? Do they like the top, middle, bottom or a combination of these?
HARDINESS AND LIFESPAN: Are these fish really hardy or really delicate? And what is the average lifespan for these fish? You may also include the longest a member of this species has lived (if you can find it).
CHEMISTRY: For these it would be best to have the acceptable range plus the ideal conditions.
pH: What is an acceptable pH for this fish? What is the ideal pH for this fish?
HARDNESS: What is the acceptable water hardness for this fish? What is the ideal water hardness for this fish?
TEMPERATURE: What is the acceptable water temperature for this fish? What is the ideal water temperature for this fish? Also it would be good to make note if the fish is a tropical fish or a coldwater fish.
SALINITY: This will only be applicable to brackish fish.
SENSITIVITIES: Are these fish really sensitive to ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, pH changes, temperature changes, or other water quality issues?
AQUASCAPING: Does this fish need a certain amount or rocks, décor or live plants to be happy? Does it eat plants with a passion or leave them alone?
SUBSTRATE: Does this fish require a certain kind of substrate in the tank? Does gravel or coarse sand damage its fins or barbels?
PHOTOPERIOD: Do these fish need a certain amount of light each day?
ACTIVITY PEAK: Are these fish nocturnal or diurnal? Do they wake up when the lights come on in the morning or become more active when the light go off?
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION/SEXING: Please give detailed physical descriptions of both the male and females of this species (if they differ) and how sex is determined.
DIET: First write whether the fish is an Herbivore, Omnivore, or Carnivore. Then write the kinds of foods it will accept: flakes, pellets, freeze dried, frozen, live, etc. Also for the freeze dried, frozen, and live, don’t just put that they can eat them, also put examples.
SPAWNING/BREEDING: Are they live bearers or are they egg layers? For those that wish to breed these fish please put accurate descriptions about how to get them to spawn/breed. Do these fish spawn/breed at certain times/seasons of the year in the wild and are these critical to getting the fish to breed? If you have the water parameters needed for spawning this would be best. Provide the average amount of time in which the livebearer female gives birth or the eggs hatch. Other information could be whether the eggs should be left in the care of one or more parents or if they should be taken out and when. And there should be information about peak breeding ages. Also include the fry care!
HABITS/OTHER NOTES: Is the fish an escape artist? Are they very friendly (come to the glass when approached)? Are they really shy? Do they have a lot of personality? Etc.
PHOTOS: There should be at least one photo of the fish in which the fish is clearly seen and recognized. For species that have different coloration between the females and males, there should be at least two photos.
VIDEOS: This is optional but great for those wishing to see how the fish interacts in the aquarium environment. The video can also be of the fish spawning/breeding or of fry.-Laura-
Re: Profile section
So to have this make more sense I have created an EXAMPLE of a fictional fish:
TITLE: Bungledoopler fuzziotiz Bungle Catfish
COMMON NAME/S: Bungle Catfish, Red Dragon Catfish, Red Bunglefish
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Bungledoopler fuzziotiz
FAMILY: Dupleriidae
ORIGIN: South America
HABITAT: Fast flowing streams
MAX WILD: 3” (7.6cm)
MAX CAPTIVE: 2.5” (6.4cm)
MINIMUM TANK SIZE: 29 gallons (~109.7L); 30x12x18” (76.2x30.5x 45.7cm)
TEMPERAMENT/COMPATIBILITY: These fish need to be in schools of 5 or more with 2 males for every 3 females. They do well with other fast moving fish that are smaller than them and larger more peaceful fish.
TANK ZONE: Middle to Bottom
HARDINESS AND LIFESPAN: These fish are really delicate and not for the average beginner. If kept properly they will for about 4 years, 6 years being the longest.
pH: Acceptable: 6.5- 7.5 Ideal: 7
HARDNESS: Acceptable: 3-20dH Ideal: 10dH
TEMPERATURE: Bungle Catfish are tropical fish that have a greatere susceptibility to diseases at lower temperatures. Acceptable: 72F- 80F (22.2C-26.6C) Ideal: 76F (24.4C)
SALINITY: These fish are not brackish and dislike any amount of salt.
SENSITIVITES: These fish are very sensitive to high levels of ammonia.
AQUASCAPING: Bungle Catfish like to have lots of hiding spots and appreciate live plants.
SUBSTRATE: Bungle Catfish need to have a soft sand substrate as their barbels are very delicate.
ACTIVITY PEAK: These fish are most active at night when there is little light shining on the tank and the lights are off.
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION/SEXING: The male Bungle Catfish is a very bright cranberry red while the females are slightly a slightly muted tone. The males also have a bright blue caudal fin while the females have no blue at all. They all have 2 pairs of long barbells that attach to the upper lip of their downturned mouth. Another note is the high dorsal fin that gets raised during excitement or agitation that makes them resemble tiny sharks.
DIET: Bungle Catfish are omnivores. They will scavenge the bottom of the tank but also need to be fed specific foods. Bungle Catfish love frozen foods such as brine shrimp and bloodworms but they also need to have lots of fresh veggies like blanched zucchini and cucumber and will wolf down blanched spinach. I have tried to feed my Bungles pellet foods with some success, but they get bored easily.
SPAWNING/BREEDING: Bungle catfish have not been bred much in captivity and I have yet to breed mine.
HABITS/OTHER NOTES: Bungle catfish are very playful and love to come up to the glass to see you. This doesn’t mean that they won’t like to hide in the plants on occasion.
PHOTOS: [This is a fictitious fish so I don’t have any pictures, but you should have them]
VIDEOS: [Like I said this fish is not real]
So yeah. I know I spent way too much time on this, but I think this is an excellent idea! Anyways, I would really appreciate if you would consider this. Please?
Re: Profile section
I like the idea. Cichlid-forum has a profile page but I wouldnt mind having one on here since I am always on this site and not cichlid-forum. But I would love to expand their profile to include non-cichlids and maybe even plants.
Re: Profile section
Originally posted by Darbex";p="I like the idea. Cichlid-forum has a profile page but I wouldnt mind having one on here since I am always on this site and not cichlid-forum. But I would love to expand their profile to include non-cichlids and maybe even plants.
Freshwater Fish
African Ciclids
Lake Malawi
Lake Tanganyika
Lake Victoria
New World Ciclids
Central American Ciclids
South American Ciclids
Goldfish and Koi
Labyrinth Fish
Miscellaneous Fish
Natives to the U.S.
Brackish Fish and Invertebrates
(I don't know how these should be separated under the Brackish fish category. I just think that these should be separate from the freshwater because someone might get the idea that they can put a brackish fish in with a freshwater fish)
(I'm thinking we could do this two ways. By the size or the care level. Here's what I think it should look like if by the size.)
Floating Plants
Carpet Plants
Small Plants
Medium Plants
Tall Plants
Large Plants
Terrarium Plants (these could be the kinds of plants used for reptile and amphibian tanks)
Reptiles and Amphibians
(Don't know how they should be separated.)
Also if we had plants the format would change a little. Basically all of the fish specific questions would be deleted and some would be replaced with plant specific ones. Like we could have one for the amount of light the plant needs and another on CO2. The substrate one wouldn't need to change and the aquascaping could be used to state which part of the tank they should be planted (foreground, background, middle). Also we could add propagation.
Anyways, this is just an idea, but I think it would really benefit everyone!
EDIT: I split the African Ciclids by Lake and put the SA/CA Ciclids under New World Ciclids-Laura-
Re: Profile section
Originally posted by jeebus";p="Split the African Cichlids by lake.
Freshwater Fish
African Ciclids
Lake Malawi
Lake Tanganyika
Lake Victoria
New World Ciclids
Central American Ciclids
South American Ciclids
I don't know much about Ciclids. These are the lakes I could find. Are there others?-Laura-
Re: Profile section
I like it so HFB gods can we get the lounge back and add the above mentioned to the site?