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KISS FOWLR - Equipment & Stocking Questions

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  • mistahoo
    Well yeah. The chaeto will end up in the HOB regardless, but if it's actually sitting on the tank, the pods will spread out all over the rocks and tank. That way you'll have pods everywhere for your upcoming stock

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  • ScorpiosWife
    Cuz Dillon told me to put it in the HOB's. I just follow directions!

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  • mistahoo
    Just curious, but why not put the chaeto in the tank first? That way the pods get all over the place and then put the chaeto in the HOB?

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  • ScorpiosWife
    Originally posted by flipside View Post
    Atta girl. K.I.S.S.
    ^^ that! K.I.S.S. :)

    Thanks for the advice. I got some little bugs on me putting the cheato into the HOB. I think it's the first time I've not wanted to squish one, lol.

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  • flipside
    Atta girl. K.I.S.S.

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  • ScorpiosWife
    Originally posted by mistahoo View Post
    +1 for the chaeto. Hangman was giving away some before that was loaded with pods.
    Sweet. I just hit Hangman up. On my way to his place now. Giggity! LOL

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  • mistahoo
    Originally posted by flipside View Post
    I would just get some chaeto and throw it in the tank for a week. You can put it in the HOB filter later, with a little light, or just remove it altogether. It will seed your rock with pods/stars/etc... and it's typically given away.

    I've purchased all of the varieties of "pods in a bottle" before. They don't do any better than a handful of chaeto from a buddy.
    +1 for the chaeto. Hangman was giving away some before that was loaded with pods.

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  • flipside
    I would just get some chaeto and throw it in the tank for a week. You can put it in the HOB filter later, with a little light, or just remove it altogether. It will seed your rock with pods/stars/etc... and it's typically given away.

    I've purchased all of the varieties of "pods in a bottle" before. They don't do any better than a handful of chaeto from a buddy.

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  • ScorpiosWife
    Thanks, Johnny. I don't plan on keeping them forever. Probably just a few months (or less depending on if I can find what I really want locally). It's not what he wants for his tank but at least now there's something in it & he's not staring at emptyness, lol. From what I read about the stock he wants they need an established Tisbe copepod culture, so unless someone has some they wanna get rid of I guess I'm going this route.

    On that note, does anyone know where I can get this locally? Shipping is more than the stuff costs!

    This is really the route I wanted to go in the first place before buying the Damsels yesterday. This is supposed to be the go-to copepod for seahorses & mandarin gobys. It has a very short shelf life so just randomly going to LFS was unsuccessful.

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  • johnnymisty
    Be careful adding other fish with those dominoe damsels they get mean as hell we have one that kills any new fish we try to add gonna catch his lil but and get rid of him

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  • ScorpiosWife
    No idea! I didn't know any better but now I have 3 cute little fish, lol.

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  • eklikewhoa
    Originally posted by ScorpiosWife View Post
    After visiting and talking to 3 different LFS today, I learned that pods in a bottle aren't really that effective & only have a shelf live of about a week for the Tisbe, which is what Live Aquaria said I needed for the chosen stock. All things considered & tired from driving all over the place, I ended up buying him 3 Domino Damsels from Ultimate Fish today to get the live pod cycle started. They said once I see the pods that I was more than welcome to bring the Damsels back since they're not the stock of his choice. Very nice of them.

    curious to know what explanation they gave you as to how adding 3 fish would increase pod population.

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  • ScorpiosWife
    After visiting and talking to 3 different LFS today, I learned that pods in a bottle aren't really that effective & only have a shelf live of about a week for the Tisbe, which is what Live Aquaria said I needed for the chosen stock. All things considered & tired from driving all over the place, I ended up buying him 3 Domino Damsels from Ultimate Fish today to get the live pod cycle started. They said once I see the pods that I was more than welcome to bring the Damsels back since they're not the stock of his choice. Very nice of them.

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  • ScorpiosWife
    Originally posted by eklikewhoa View Post
    Check on marshreef, there's a guy selling bonded pairs of seahorses.
    He sold them already. :(

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  • suicune
    very jealous!!!!!!!

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