i setup a 14g biocube about 6 weeks ago, i have ~27lbs of live rock, and 20lbs of livesand.
currently no corals, just 1x black percula clownfish, 2x damsels, and 2x astrea snails.
i ws wanting to know what corals are good for this setup?
im runnign a standard hood with 2x 24watt pc's 1x10k and 1 actinic, and 2x 1 watt leds.
the pump is standard, and i also have the 14g biocube skimmer.
i want to know what corals are good for this tank.
lmk.also if anyone has some frags lmk
currently no corals, just 1x black percula clownfish, 2x damsels, and 2x astrea snails.
i ws wanting to know what corals are good for this setup?
im runnign a standard hood with 2x 24watt pc's 1x10k and 1 actinic, and 2x 1 watt leds.
the pump is standard, and i also have the 14g biocube skimmer.
i want to know what corals are good for this tank.
lmk.also if anyone has some frags lmk