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Wanting To Try Out SW

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  • ha ha know my name is jon. I stright up gangsta, you dont know me, cause im crazy yo! No im a middle class non violent white guy that likes to hunt and fish.
    75gal reef aka the $$$$ pit.


    • Originally posted by tang-chaser View Post
      ha ha know my name is jon. I stright up gangsta, you dont know me, cause im crazy yo! No im a middle class non violent white guy that likes to hunt and fish.
      A wife, two kids and two cats.


      • Will Banded Shrimp and Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp get along together in a 29 bc?
        A wife, two kids and two cats.


        • I hear that the banded shrimp will become territorial.
          75gal reef aka the $$$$ pit.


          • I read that too. I need a cleaner crew. What and how many is recommended?
            A wife, two kids and two cats.


            • best service i have recived for CUC is at Just send fill out the form for a "custom CUC quote" and he can fix you up for a budget, or just what you need. I cant wait for my order to come in! ^_^
              40G Breeder (47G) Planted Topless Tank


              • Thanks Kittysnax,

                I was looking at I sent in a request so hopefully ill get an email tomorrow or so.
                A wife, two kids and two cats.


                • 1 shrimp can keep a nice tank clean. I have never seen a shrimp not eat. Shrimp can be hard acclimators so i suggest buying 2, just in case one dies. Plus with 2 they can make babies and feed the fish and corals.
                  75gal reef aka the $$$$ pit.


                  • Originally posted by tang-chaser View Post
                    1 shrimp can keep a nice tank clean. I have never seen a shrimp not eat. Shrimp can be hard acclimators so i suggest buying 2, just in case one dies. Plus with 2 they can make babies and feed the fish and corals.

                    I have 2 cleaner shrimp. Not sure I{f I want to trade em in for a Banded shrimp. Which is more useful?

                    Tang, hit me up on xbl. I had a emergency the other night.
                    A wife, two kids and two cats.


                    • I might be off for a day or 2 because i just moved and theres no internet connection by the stupid tv so im going to buy a long network cable or just fork out the cash for the wireless adapter on the xbox. Whats really going to suck is that i have to run cable lines through the house next weekend.
                      75gal reef aka the $$$$ pit.


                      • i think the cleaners are most usefull. They can clean fish and rocks, banded are just better looking to me. If its a larger tank you could try adding the banded. From my experience you never know how anything will act once its in the tank.
                        75gal reef aka the $$$$ pit.


                        • Thanks Tang, When you get your internet back on send me a invite. My cleaner shrimp are pretty small so Ill see If I can find a small banded around and see what happens.
                          A wife, two kids and two cats.


                          • no problem.
                            75gal reef aka the $$$$ pit.


                            • CP has a bunch of banded
                              Resident fish bum
                              330G FOWLR
                              34G Reef
                              330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                              28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                              Treasurer, GHAC


                              • New Pics

                                Any recommendations for zoas or anemones that will do well under the stock bio cube light?
                                Last edited by JAYGEE; 02-16-2010, 08:53 PM.
                                A wife, two kids and two cats.

