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Suggestions for my new SW tank pls

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  • Suggestions for my new SW tank pls

    I couldn't pass up the petco $1/gallon sale, so I picked up a 40g breeder (36x18x16).

    So far I think I got everything setup correctly and the water conditions are great. It's been cycling for about a week now. Today I was off and I visited Fish Ranch 2 and picked up 30lbs of live rock, 2 hermit crabs and a blue damsel. Going to let it cycle for another 2-3 weeks and I'm going to start adding some easy corals and other fish.

    Can anyone suggest some live stock to add to my tank? Or equipment for that matter. This is my plans (I don't know if it will work so please chime in if you got positive advice).

    36'' 4X T5 HO
    Eheim 2217
    1 K3 (I might add a second)

    Right now theres really good flow in my tank, sand bed is getting moved around just by the Eheim and 1 K3.

    1-2 clownfish
    1 Anemone
    1 Flame Angelfish
    1 Diamond Goby
    1 Shrimp
    And whatever corals I can add that's not too hard to maintain.

    I'm not sure if I should get a protein skimmer and a refugium or not. I plan on doing 10g water changes every 2 weeks.

    That's all I got for now. Thoughts? Advice? Suggestions?

    Last edited by aggrofishkeeper; 07-10-2010, 02:50 AM.

  • #2
    Also forgot to mention I might toss the AC110 for a HOB style protein skimmer&filter combo.


    • #3
      I probably wouldnt do the eheim. From what I read it can lead to deitrus build up. If you are wanting to do bi-weekly of 10% WC then I would get a skimmer. I do not have a skimmer on mine but I do weekly of about 20%. From what I have been told Flame angels will pick at corals so either dont get corals with it or get ones that you dont mind the possibility of losing. Lastly easy corals would be zoas and some LPS and softies.
      Resident fish bum
      330G FOWLR
      34G Reef
      330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
      28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
      Treasurer, GHAC


      • #4
        That is supposed to say 10 percent but for some reason the percent sign when posted changes to &#37. I tried to edit it but it still does the same thing.
        Resident fish bum
        330G FOWLR
        34G Reef
        330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
        28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
        Treasurer, GHAC


        • #5
          What would you suggest for filtration? The tank sits on a very low stand so I don't have room for anything big like a sump or wet/dry. It's also in my bedroom and the noise would annoy the hell out of me.


          • #6
            Darbex is right. I'm new to SW as well and got a singapore angel and it ate my torch and other corals. From what everyone is telling me, its a 50/50 chance on angels nipping at corals. There's alot of ppl with good exp and will give great suggestions here. Take it and run with it as I did. GL


            • #7
              thats ALOT of livestock for a new tank, unless you had sand/rock from an established tank, if not do a ammonia/nitrite check because saltwater critters will kick the bucket at the drop of a hat with ammonia (except the damsels). I'd get a skimmer unless even with the 20 percent water change every week. you can get a HOB filter like a biowheel or better yet a hagen aquaclear, and put macroalgae in it with a small pc light over the top. the macroalgae will help alot with or without a skimmer. don't put any filtering media, just the macroalgae. easiest coral in the world is xenia, kenya tree and most mushrooms and most zoo's. with that light you have all softies available,almost all LPS and some SPS, even certain clams. but that all gets harder as you go down that list. good luck and post some pictures!
              Softie Reef


              • #8
                Originally posted by snookfish View Post
                thats ALOT of livestock for a new tank, unless you had sand/rock from an established tank, if not do a ammonia/nitrite check because saltwater critters will kick the bucket at the drop of a hat with ammonia (except the damsels). I'd get a skimmer unless even with the 20 percent water change every week. you can get a HOB filter like a biowheel or better yet a hagen aquaclear, and put macroalgae in it with a small pc light over the top. the macroalgae will help alot with or without a skimmer. don't put any filtering media, just the macroalgae. easiest coral in the world is xenia, kenya tree and most mushrooms and most zoo's. with that light you have all softies available,almost all LPS and some SPS, even certain clams. but that all gets harder as you go down that list. good luck and post some pictures!
                Thanks for the advice.

                I do not currently have these livestock in my tank. Just a damsel and hermit crabs. I just listed my plan as far as livestock.


                • #9
                  gottcha. the flame angel is apt to pick at corals, you could try a coral beauty, they tend to only pick at brain type corals, leave most others alone, but thats on a fish by fish basis. you could even add 2 more small fish to your list, like certain reef safe wrasses or royal gramma, pseudochromis, look on just to look at thier compatability chart.
                  Softie Reef


                  • #10
                    I have a Bi-color angel and so far so good. They and coral beautys are supposed to be reef safe.
                    Resident fish bum
                    330G FOWLR
                    34G Reef
                    330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                    28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                    Treasurer, GHAC

