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Live rock question

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  • Live rock question

    I took down my saltwater tank down about a year ago and my live rock dried out. Can i seed it some how to make it live rock once again?

  • #2
    get live rock from someone or buy the bio-spira bottle
    Resident fish bum
    330G FOWLR
    34G Reef
    330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
    28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
    Treasurer, GHAC


    • #3
      Get live rock and add to the dead one?


      • #4
        like darbex said.... if you're starting up a salt water tank again, then buy about 10% new live rock and add that to the tank with the old dead rock. The new live rock will seed the old stuff.


        • #5
          If you cycle the dead rocks in salt water, the bacterias which are everywhere will multiply but it may take a month or 2 before their number are sufficient to function as biological filter, the definition of live rocks.

          If you seed them with live rocks from someone's tanks, it will cut the time down. The more live rocks you use, the shorter the time.


          • #6
            drop them in Galveston Bay for a few weeks. come back, bring them home, hose them down, and drop them in your tank.


            • #7
              Not sure I would dump them in Galveston all kinds of critters and nasty in that water
              Resident fish bum
              330G FOWLR
              34G Reef
              330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
              28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
              Treasurer, GHAC


              • #8
                It's good to hear i can still use the tonga rock that i have! i will purchase some more to seed it and make it alive again! Thank you very much for removing my doubt.

