I found one for 26$ brand new a good deal or can I get a used 100 watt for 15$ on here?
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What is a good heater to use?
The question still remains, are you sure that it was setting the house to 70 that killed your tank? I am not so sure thats the cause of the deaths... I doubt the temp being at 70 to 71 would kill your tank like that. Just a thought since if there is somehting else causing your livestock to die and you don't fix it, it will continue to kill your livestock if you take care of it.Last edited by Hangman; 09-19-2012, 09:37 PM.
Well I figure it out today. It was a combination of the low temperature and some new water I added. I bought 7 gallons of saltwater at 1.024 salinity from fish gallery, added it, and I felt the water it was fin but it dropped my temperature rapidly to 70 and then the temp stayed there because my house temp was 70. So my parents aren't stupid, it was me, I take the blame but I feel horrible! How do you guys do water changes for salt water?
No harsh remarks but you title and your original post really offended some people125g: Empty For Now
90g: Planted S.A.
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
I know, I was just upset. Took it way to far. Sorry about that. I feel really bad. Can someone help me figure out the best way for water changes? I have a 26 gallon bow front with a CPR Refugium on the back. Please help?
The reason I made the title what it was is because my mom and dad don't support me keeping fish. I work just to make money for my fish tanks.Last edited by Johnsbra123; 09-19-2012, 10:25 PM.
the important thing to bear in mind is that it is often not the changes that occur in an aquarium but how quickly they occur. rapid changes of salinity or pH can really jack up a fish's metabolism. you have been given some good advice here, in summary just make sure that the water going in during your water changes is as close to the parameters as the water thats already there as possible and you should be fine.75G Standard - High Light Planted Community Fish
28G Aquapod - Medium Light Planted Shrimp & Microrasboras
12G Eclipse - Bonsai Planted Betta & Shrimp
29G Standard - Vivarium w/ Red Devil Crabs
45G Exo-Terra - Terrarium w/ Hermit Crabs (in progress)
33G Cubish - Vivarium w/ D.auratus 'blue & bronze'
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