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RO / DI system buy

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  • RO / DI system buy

    I'm looking to buy an RO/DI unit. I was thinking about getting BRS 4 stage system but I was wondering if it's worth getting the plus pack with the built in TDS METER. Should I spend the extra 40 and get the meter or is it not worth it? What system do you have?

  • #2
    I got the one with TDS meter on it.


    • #3
      It really is pointless if you don't have a meter.

      If you don't already have a hand held one, I would pay the extra 40 bucks.

      I been using the BRS 5 stage going on 3 years now. Works great and I would buy it again.
      Last edited by myjohnson; 10-09-2012, 10:48 AM. Reason: Sp
      I ate my fish that died.


      • #4

        These units are a bit pricier than most, but that's where I'm at in the hobby... I like to automate as much as I can.

        IMO, the best RO units are as follows (best on top):

        1. Spectrapure
        2. Buckeye Field Supply
        3. Bulk Reef Supply
        4. The Filter Guys

        The major components of any RO/DI system are tough fittings and good filters; but, customer service should be in the mix as well. The above are on par, and you wouldn't go wrong with any of them.

        Yes, add a TDS meter. I have a handheld, an dual HM Digital Pro (watching the water coming in, and the water exiting the RO membrane), and my unit has one built in to watch the water exiting the DI resin cart. It's pretty important to monitor your TDS.


        • #5
          its worth the 40 bucks to know when its time to change the resin instead of making subpar water
          75G Standard - High Light Planted Community Fish
          28G Aquapod - Medium Light Planted Shrimp & Microrasboras
          12G Eclipse - Bonsai Planted Betta & Shrimp
          29G Standard - Vivarium w/ Red Devil Crabs
          45G Exo-Terra - Terrarium w/ Hermit Crabs (in progress)
          33G Cubish - Vivarium w/ D.auratus 'blue & bronze'

          GHAC Member


          • #6
            Well all I need it for is my 26 gallon bow, 14 biocube, and my tank at school. Should I buy the 77$ small 3 stage?


            • #7
              No. The reason is you got what you pay for. If you want the best quality filter, you better spend more money into it rather than buy the cheap one and end up does not do the job very well as you expected.


              • #8
                Originally posted by myjohnson View Post
                It really is pointless if you don't have a meter.

                If you don't already have a hand held one, I would pay the extra 40 bucks.

                I been using the BRS 5 stage going on 3 years now. Works great and I would buy it again.
                I'd rather have a hand-held TDS meter instead of the in-line one.
                With hand-held, you can measure all different water sources. Tap, RO, DI, water in your container ...
                Sometimes, my RO/DI with 0 TDS which I stored in container picked up a lot of contaminants and I had to dump out the water and clean the container real well.


                • #9
                  Re: RO / DI system buy

                  Originally posted by rage View Post
                  I'd rather have a hand-held TDS meter instead of the in-line one.
                  With hand-held, you can measure all different water sources. Tap, RO, DI, water in your container ...
                  Sometimes, my RO/DI with 0 TDS which I stored in container picked up a lot of contaminants and I had to dump out the water and clean the container real well.
                  I agree 100%, but that's not why you get an inline, IMO. You get them to see when other variables of the RODI unit are depleting. You'd be surprised how many folks don't realize that their RO membrane is causing their DI resin to deplete quicker than it is capable.

                  Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2


                  • #10
                    Just bought it! I got the 4 stage with TDS meter in it and I got a 55 gallon bucket of red sea coral mix pro


                    • #11
                      I have been looking for a RO/Di unit as well but I was told that City of Houston's has chlorimeans in it and that I have to get a unit that has those special filters on them. Is this correct for Houston's ??? How do I call to get the correct information regarding our water here in Spring Branch area?????


                      • #12
                        My water is perfect. I have the 4 stage rodi brs plus filter. I'm selling it though ecause my water pressure is too low. I have a reef. My hammers are perfect, my Condy anemone is perfect, my inverts are great. I have no problem.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mrs. Mermaid View Post
                          I have been looking for a RO/Di unit as well but I was told that City of Houston's has chlorimeans in it and that I have to get a unit that has those special filters on them. Is this correct for Houston's ??? How do I call to get the correct information regarding our water here in Spring Branch area?????
                          Spring Branch gets its water from the City of Houston.
                          While the newer reports only mention chloramine without specific numbers, older report lists the Chloramines to be 0.07 - 3.60 ppm.
                          I think you want the RO/ DI with the chloramine filter.


                          • #14
                            Yeah, spend more money, then regret it. That's what your looking at.


                            • #15
                              Re: RO / DI system buy

                              Originally posted by Johnsbra123 View Post
                              Yeah, spend more money, then regret it. That's what your looking at.
                              I wouldn't regret spending more money for a better quality rodi filter. Only reason why you're regretting it is because you can't get yours to work the way you want it.

                              Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.

