So I picked up this cool little guy a couple weeks back. My substrate has never looked whiter because of him, but man... he is messy as hell. My water is loaded with debris and after 2 days, my filter sock (mesh, not even felt) gets clogged and overflows. Any one else's goby make a stupid amount of mess? He's my first sand sifter, so surely there's a lot of fine debris that needed to get loosened up anyway. It's fine in the morning when he's hiding, but the moment he "wakes up", it's a mess!
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Gold head goby
Right at the 10sec mark, you see all the real fine debris coming from him. That's the stuff that clouds up the tank. It settles eventually, but he's doing his thing 15hours a day and it doesn't settle until he goes back in his hole. Obviously the debris is being picked up by my filter sock, just wondering if the fine debris from the sand will go away eventually. Otherwise I may end up getting rid of the little guy
I'd say that goby is doing his job. Besides the fine sand, he is stirring the nasty stuffs in your sand.
Would you rather that stuffs get stirred up and picked up by your filter sock or skimmer or do you want them to stay in your system and crash it later?
He was an impulse buy, but what necessarily consists of doing a good job? After I read up about him, he actually potentially makes the tank worse. He's not cleaning the sand bed, hes eating the parasites that keep our sand bed clean. So really, sand gobies can ruin a sand bed over time. there are other ways to sift the sand around without losing all the other good stuff in it.
I caught the guy, but required me to remove all of my rock/coral... the ******* had a multiple entrance tunnel system under the rocks. Too smart of a fish to be in a tank