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Algae control

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  • #16
    Originally posted by jeb102385 View Post
    Wouldn't have killed algae on glass or rocks in a fresh water tank either
    would of killed algae and algae in the water column.
    Wc Canry Cheek, Lufubu


    • #17
      All a uv sterilizer will kill is algae in the water column, that's it. The algae has to pass through the actual sterilizer for it to be killed.


      • #18
        exactly what I said
        Wc Canry Cheek, Lufubu


        • #19
          but the original post wasnt for free floating algae...


          • #20
            your right
            Wc Canry Cheek, Lufubu


            • #21
              What skimmer we running on this bad boy?
              I ate my fish that died.


              • #22
                Red Sea 60 skimmer with a HOB CPR refugium filled with mermaid cup algae


                • #23
                  you gotta pic of the setup we got here
                  Wc Canry Cheek, Lufubu


                  • #24
                    have you checked for phosphates? How much macro algae are you removing from the refugium. Refugiums work for nutrient export only if you are exporting macro out of the system. The macro absorbs the nutrients for plant growth. Take the growth out of the system periodically. If all else fails get a couple of turbo snails. These guys love hair algae. Urchins also love munching on them.
                    My fish has no eye, he is called "fsh"


                    • #25
                      I'm bad at putting pictures up


                      • #26
                        With snails or urchins make sure everything is secure. They can and will wedge themselves in between rocks during the day to hide. If the rocks aren't secure they will cause the pile to fall.
                        Resident fish bum
                        330G FOWLR
                        34G Reef
                        330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                        28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                        Treasurer, GHAC


                        • #27
                          I have four urchins, two Mexicans and THOUSANDS of breeding dibs turbos all in a 40b. I have a tiny bit of HA on one of my powerheads and two quarter sized patches on my overflow. I have never witness any of my snails or urchins in either area. They seem to prefer coraline in my tank. Having said that, those three tiny bits of HA never grow so apparently something is keeping it in check. Even on a small tank, i think those hang on back refugiums have limited abilities, i wouldn't rely on that alone for nutrient export. Your water changes definitely could be a cause here, smaller tanks should really have a partial water once a week, you really need to step up the water changes, if your frogspawn and nem look good now, just wait to see how amazing they will look when your water has more ideal conditions! If water changes don't work, you need to look at how much you are feeding, and failing even that consider the Rodi water you use for top off and mixing. If you make your own, when was the last time you checked your tds? When was the last time your sediment/membrane/resin replaced? If you rely on somebody else's water such as watermill or local fish shop, those questions should be asked twice as hard. Adding a fish to help control it will not help, only exacerbate the problem. Think about it, if you add a fish but continue with the usual regimen of water changes etc. The hair algea may get eaten quickly, But, rather than the nutrients being trapped in the hair algea, your fish is going to digest and dispose of it.... Dumping it right back into the water. You'll be adding bioload to a system that apparently already is passing it's own ability to cycle any and all toxins. Plus, let's face it, when we add new fish, we feed them, that's more food in the water, which equals more waste in the water, which equals even more algea in the long run!
                          It's a nasty circle, i know, but getting your water in Check really should be your first priority. I heard a quote sometime, by some guy... Cant remember who or when... But it went something like ; keeping an aquarium isn't about keeping fish, it's about keeping water. The fish take care of themselves.
                          It's absolutely true, if you really take care of your water, your Aquarium will flourish!

                          Sent from BiGPiNK's Tapatalk


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by BiGPiNK View Post
                            I have four urchins, two Mexicans and THOUSANDS of breeding dibs turbos all in a 40b. I have a tiny bit of HA on one of my powerheads and two quarter sized patches on my overflow. I have never witness any of my snails or urchins in either area. They seem to prefer coraline in my tank. Having said that, those three tiny bits of HA never grow so apparently something is keeping it in check. Even on a small tank, i think those hang on back refugiums have limited abilities, i wouldn't rely on that alone for nutrient export. Your water changes definitely could be a cause here, smaller tanks should really have a partial water once a week, you really need to step up the water changes, if your frogspawn and nem look good now, just wait to see how amazing they will look when your water has more ideal conditions! If water changes don't work, you need to look at how much you are feeding, and failing even that consider the Rodi water you use for top off and mixing. If you make your own, when was the last time you checked your tds? When was the last time your sediment/membrane/resin replaced? If you rely on somebody else's water such as watermill or local fish shop, those questions should be asked twice as hard. Adding a fish to help control it will not help, only exacerbate the problem. Think about it, if you add a fish but continue with the usual regimen of water changes etc. The hair algea may get eaten quickly, But, rather than the nutrients being trapped in the hair algea, your fish is going to digest and dispose of it.... Dumping it right back into the water. You'll be adding bioload to a system that apparently already is passing it's own ability to cycle any and all toxins. Plus, let's face it, when we add new fish, we feed them, that's more food in the water, which equals more waste in the water, which equals even more algea in the long run!
                            It's a nasty circle, i know, but getting your water in Check really should be your first priority. I heard a quote sometime, by some guy... Cant remember who or when... But it went something like ; keeping an aquarium isn't about keeping fish, it's about keeping water. The fish take care of themselves.
                            It's absolutely true, if you really take care of your water, your Aquarium will flourish!

                            Sent from BiGPiNK's Tapatalk
                            My fish has no eye, he is called "fsh"


                            • #29
                              I get my water from city pets. I need to clip my refugium because I have way too much. Anybody want mermaid cup algae?

