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Best bait to use for Red Snapper fishing trip?

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  • Best bait to use for Red Snapper fishing trip?

    Going out on Tuesday about 50 miles. We can use squid, but I'd like something better.... What suggestions you guys got??
    90 gallon reef: Softies, LPS, Shrooms, Gobies, Mandarin Goby, Sailfin, Hippo, damsels, Clowns
    55 Gallon: Yellow Lab, Electric Blue, Albino Zebra, Yellow tail Acei, Cobalt Blue
    40 Gallon: Demasoni Breeding Colony
    30 Gallon: Grow out fry tank
    10 Gallon: Fry Tank

  • #2
    Catch hard tails fresh and cut them up for bait
    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
    Desiderius Erasmus
    GHAC President


    • #3
      Tell me more.... What are hard tails?
      90 gallon reef: Softies, LPS, Shrooms, Gobies, Mandarin Goby, Sailfin, Hippo, damsels, Clowns
      55 Gallon: Yellow Lab, Electric Blue, Albino Zebra, Yellow tail Acei, Cobalt Blue
      40 Gallon: Demasoni Breeding Colony
      30 Gallon: Grow out fry tank
      10 Gallon: Fry Tank


      • #4
        Hard Tailed Jacks, just trash fish though great bait
        In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
        Desiderius Erasmus
        GHAC President


        • #5
          Well, the boat leaves at 7am....and I doubt my lazy a** will make it down with enough time to fish much BEFORE we But in the event I am down there early enough, what's the best way to catch em? Just throw out a line from the dock?
          90 gallon reef: Softies, LPS, Shrooms, Gobies, Mandarin Goby, Sailfin, Hippo, damsels, Clowns
          55 Gallon: Yellow Lab, Electric Blue, Albino Zebra, Yellow tail Acei, Cobalt Blue
          40 Gallon: Demasoni Breeding Colony
          30 Gallon: Grow out fry tank
          10 Gallon: Fry Tank


          • #6
            Spanish sardines are I believe are good bait sold in frozen boxes at the bait shop there's a bait shop on the feeder when you go over the causeway and exit 61st you can get them there


            • #7
              Never caught a red live shrimp ?


              • #8
                They'll be caught near where you'll be fishing for snapper. Just use a spinner bait and fish mid-water. Then butcher them onsite. They are often called Blue Runners as well, Caranx crysos. I can usually fill an ice chest in under an hour and that is all we use for bait.
                In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
                Desiderius Erasmus
                GHAC President


                • #9
                  Nope...never caught shrimp. We rarely saltwater fish. ..
                  90 gallon reef: Softies, LPS, Shrooms, Gobies, Mandarin Goby, Sailfin, Hippo, damsels, Clowns
                  55 Gallon: Yellow Lab, Electric Blue, Albino Zebra, Yellow tail Acei, Cobalt Blue
                  40 Gallon: Demasoni Breeding Colony
                  30 Gallon: Grow out fry tank
                  10 Gallon: Fry Tank


                  • #10
                    I suppose Cigar Minnows work well, or so I have been told. Working on a platform 120 miles out and real bait requires us to be creative...
                    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
                    Desiderius Erasmus
                    GHAC President

