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30 Cube Reef

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  • 30 Cube Reef

    Been a while since I been on the box. Changed my game up a lot. I am getting rid of all my freshwater going all salt. Only exception is my Fahaka. I built this 30 a while back and never posted it.

    Six Line Wrasse, B/W ocellaris clown, Yellow Tang, Blue Spotted Toby Puffer, Snowflake eel
    Cleaner Shrimp, Emerald crab, Sebai Anemone, RBT Anemone
    Random mix of corals

    Some quick cell pics:

  • #2
    Nice little set-up. I'm no fish Nazi, but are you going to set up another larger tank? That yellow is going to outgrow that small 30g.


    • #3
      I am building a 120 Reef. Gotta sell my freshwater first. He will go in that tank eventually. Added some more stuff the other day, a new white flower anemone, Clarkii clown, and anemone crab. The Clarkii straight JACKED the b/w ocellaris for his RBTA within like 30 seconds of being put in the tank. He got pwned.


      • #4
        changed it up again today. Got a snowflake clown and put him in with the b/w ocellaris. They are getting along great. Also picked up a new long tentacle anemone. It is huge and looks great. Added 1 more led bar so now I have 150 watts of leds over the cube. I put the Clarkii and a sebai anemone in my 12 gallon.


        • #5
          I traded out my long tentacle for another bubble tip that I put in my 12 gallon tank. Now I just have a flower nem and the other RBTA in the cube. Have a sick new LED for the tank gotta get some pics. Tank is looking great. Gonna be finishing this off soon. I am making a stand and top. once its done I will put everything in a plastic tub and drill the tank. Gonna do 1 700gph overflow and 1 return. Using a 10 gallon as the sump. This will get moved to my bedroom and become my bedroom nano. Setting up a new 120 reef in my living room that will be the display tank.


          • #6
            Got any new pics? Thinking about changing out my 30 cube to salt.

            200 - African cichlids
            72 - Salty Bow Front
            33 Cube - community
            10's - Freshwater Shrimp

