Been a while since I been on the box. Changed my game up a lot. I am getting rid of all my freshwater going all salt. Only exception is my Fahaka. I built this 30 a while back and never posted it.
Six Line Wrasse, B/W ocellaris clown, Yellow Tang, Blue Spotted Toby Puffer, Snowflake eel
Cleaner Shrimp, Emerald crab, Sebai Anemone, RBT Anemone
Random mix of corals
Some quick cell pics:

Six Line Wrasse, B/W ocellaris clown, Yellow Tang, Blue Spotted Toby Puffer, Snowflake eel
Cleaner Shrimp, Emerald crab, Sebai Anemone, RBT Anemone
Random mix of corals
Some quick cell pics:
