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Sump for 115G RR Cube tank

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  • Sump for 115G RR Cube tank

    This is my 115G RR custom cube tank I recently bought from a friend.

    He ran this tank as FOWLR. This cube stand has a center brace in the middle, so I cannot fit in a bigger sump. The current sump is a little small and just has enough room for a skimmer and some small pieces of rock.

    • The return pump sucks water (some from the output of the skimmer) and air that produces a lot of bubbles back to the main tank.
    • No room for plants, algae .etc. I would like to put more live rock, live sand as well.

    Someone has designed a connecting pipe (it is capped now) for this sump as a drain in case of overflowing accident. In the picture, he used that tank on the right as a freshwater reservoir for auto top off system.

    My question is should I put a pump in the main sump to get water from main sump to 2nd sump and use this connecting pipe as a return from 2nd sump back to main sump. (Drill a hole in 2nd sump and use bulkheads to connect two sumps together).

    Then I can move my skimmer to the 2nd sump (to reduce bubbles shooting back to main tank) and have more rock in there. And in main sump, I can create a section for live sand and plants.

    I am looking for ideas, so I can set this up correctly since working in this small stand is hard. Thanks a lot Fishbox friends.

    Attached Files

  • #2
    still waiting for ideas. may start working on this sump on holidays


    • #3
      Looks like a very tight space. Maybe you can find I small tupper ware container to place return pump in. You can shim it until it is at a height where water can over flow into the Tupperware that should get rid of the bubbles.


      • #4
        I would trash the whole sump system you have and start a new design.

        Also, you don't need any LR or LS in the sump. It's a waste of space. You got all you need and more in your display tank.

        Camber for skimmer and reactor, macro algae, and return. Bam!

        You would have a lot of room if you keep your top off water next to your stand.

        Just buy a nice cabinet from IKEA and keep the freah water tank in there. Another plus is you'll have more storage room for all the fish gear.
        Last edited by myjohnson; 01-04-2014, 08:01 AM.
        I ate my fish that died.


        • #5
          You read my mind Thai. That is exactly what I am gonna do.
          I am waiting for parts, pump to come.

