So, I have had my tank cycling for about a month now. Water tested great so, I went to the LFS to get them to double check me. Everything was good, so they told me to get two tomato clownfish-- So I did. They have been doing great! Until a couple of days ago. One of them is perfectly fine, the other is sick-- I think. I'm guessing it's the less dominant one, but I'm not sure. It's back tail is a little shredded, it's acting like it can't swim, and it's not eating. It's acting like it doesn't have balance, and he gets off balance and gets in weird positions. (Yesterday, he was wedged in the sand on his side. We thought he was dead.) He is sitting in corners at the bottom, or sometimes just lets go and floats around. It's really hard to explain. It looks like his scales might be coming off, or like he has "blisters".
I wasn't sure if it's a submissive/dominant thing and he is being bullied, or if he is sick. I've been researching it ALOT and still can't decide what it is. PLEASE HELP!
I wasn't sure if it's a submissive/dominant thing and he is being bullied, or if he is sick. I've been researching it ALOT and still can't decide what it is. PLEASE HELP!