Here's my low budget, mainly DIY 40b. It's been running for around 8 months. I have a 20h sump [I hate the 20h -.-;]. I only run carbon and a waterfall Algae Turf Scrubber. It's lit by a 16" 165w [120 actual wattage] Dimmable 2 channel Chinabox/Sh*tbox LED [which I LOVE]. I've got several zoa frags, mainly just green. I'm actually looking into getting rid of the frags and focusing mainly on the nems.
As for stocking, in the tank is 2 Cinnamon Clownfish, 2 Dalmatian Mollies, 8 Sherman Rose Bubble-tips, 1 Wild Caught Galveston Rock Anemone, 2 Green btas, 1 nickel sized baby rose bta, 20+ zoa frags. 1 2"x3" red monticap, 1 2" green flowerpot.
All the rock was dryrock I have around 40 lbs of Pukani, Fiji, and a piece of buna branch.
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I occasionally manually split my nems...
As for stocking, in the tank is 2 Cinnamon Clownfish, 2 Dalmatian Mollies, 8 Sherman Rose Bubble-tips, 1 Wild Caught Galveston Rock Anemone, 2 Green btas, 1 nickel sized baby rose bta, 20+ zoa frags. 1 2"x3" red monticap, 1 2" green flowerpot.
All the rock was dryrock I have around 40 lbs of Pukani, Fiji, and a piece of buna branch.
10694283_868715993158926_6423146928832393128_o[1].jpg_MG_5640.jpg_MG_5641.jpg_MG_5646.jpg_MG_5663.jpggalvestonnem (1 of 1).jpg_MG_5650.jpg
I occasionally manually split my nems...