Got my first clam! I hope it does good, although when I put it in I set it down with the mouth (I think) facing away from the glass. I'm curious if I should just leave it or can I just pick it up and turn it around? Id like to be able to see its mouth. Idk if the foot has grabbed the peice of lr I buried for it yet and I don't want to damage the foot.
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Derasa Clam
You can turn it around if he's not attached. If he's attached, you'll have to dig up whatever it's attached to and turn both around.
Gently try to lift him up. If he's attached, you'll know immediately. He'll close up and become rigidly stuck. Don't try to jiggle him out otherwise you'll tear tissue.
I think you should leave it like it is for a while. It will continue to move it isn't happy.
Just wait and make sure it's attached. Then move the LR you have under it.
I jacked up a calm I had recent b/c I get bored and kept on moving it.I ate my fish that died.
nice clam! what kinda light do you have? The reason why i'm asking is because the mantle seems to be stretching. This could be due to low light. Also if the clam has not planted is foot yet, to do several checks for pyramid snails. The can eventually kill a clam, also make sure not to introduce another clam without checking the other clam for snails for a few weeks.