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  • #46
    she referred to "my husband", either female or the female role of two dudes.
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #47
      Originally posted by eklikewhoa View Post
      she referred to "my husband", either female or the female role of two dudes.
      Ah. Good call.
      All bleeding stops eventually...


      • #48
        700g Mini-Monster tank


        • #49
          im so glad you all got such great humor in my dying fish.... i had my cucumber in the store on hold for 6 weeks waiting for them to let me know my tank cycled..i took in water samples and tested myself every week ...i did study on the cucumber but thought i would do a tank of the unusual instead of just plain pretty fish...its funny no one was here to advise me but a kid ..hummm im the big joke ..thanks for the great welcome..this was my first emergency post ..i had thought that maybe some of you "fish lovers" out there could advise me...instead you all just laughed at my far as being vague i tried to answer questions as i said i was new at this and didnt quite know what all was needed for info...sorry to have been a bother....i hope you all enjoyed your laughs ..i would like to talk to someone in charge of this forum....


          • #50
            To think you said you weren't coming back.
            700g Mini-Monster tank


            • #51
              only cause i was asked to ...

              Hello, I saw that you said that we were not fish lovers and that you were going to leave this Forum. I am only 13 and when I first got into the hobby I was 10. This was the first Forum I went to and they teach me so many things. Now I have A bunch of amazing freshwater aquariums and an amazing 55g saltwater FOWLR. I learend so many things from the helpful people and I know if you stay you will too!

              Sincerely, Mike

              then i saw all tthese nasty posts ..thanks............


              • #52
                There were no nasty posts with regard to you, just most of the members bantering back and forth. No one here enjoys the loss of a fish, especially not me. I get made fun of sometimes for how much I care for my fish. People here advised you to get rid of the cucumber to save the rest of your tank, and it's just good solid advice. If you disagree with it, that is perfectly fine too.
                All bleeding stops eventually...


                • #53
                  Originally posted by eklikewhoa View Post
                  she referred to "my husband", either female or the female role of two dudes.

                  i call this nasty


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by simonssymfony View Post
                    i call this nasty
                    That was just him telling me why everyone referred to you as "she" because I hadn't read anything about you being a girl, and most people on this forum assume I'm a guy just cuz there are mostly guys in this hobby.

                    The comment about the female role of two dudes was not directed at you. Just a general statement about what the word "husband" means in modern times. Please don't take all of this so personally. People really were just trying to help, even if they have a very blunt way of putting things.
                    All bleeding stops eventually...


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Bedlamer View Post
                      Is it possible this person was just a troll? If someone did do any amount of research on a sea cucumber, would they not be aware of the remarkable defense mechanism unique to them, or if reading hobby--centric literature the first thing that jumps out is "If it dies--it will crash your tank with toxins". If the OP had any fish keeper friends to warn off from the uncaring folks here, wouldn't she have phoned them up when her sea cucumber started to eviscerate itself? If it just spontaneously started doing that in the absence of another critter messing with it—it had to be under some kind of stress—probably messed up water quality like Ek pointed out.
                      I’m also left wondering two other things from this thread.
                      1. Is there some secret industrial sized commode out in the back of Ben Taub somewhere?
                      2. Does Ek still have his tonsils/appendix/gall bladder/and all his teeth? I want to be there for you buddy!

                      Maybe we should chip in and get her one of these?

                      this was nasty and just plain mean


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by simonssymfony View Post
                        i call this nasty
                        I'd call it stating the facts.
                        While I'm not reef ready, I am salt ernate lifestyle curious...


                        • #57
                          oh so you think im a troll..screw you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                          • #58
                            Again, all in good fun... People here mess around a lot, as you might see from reading other threads. If you call out a huge generalization and state that absolutely no one on here cares at all for fish, you may see some cheeky posts in response to that. That applies to anyone who posts here or anywhere else where people state strong opinions.
                            All bleeding stops eventually...


                            • #59
                              That was to answer a question asked prior to my post as to how we knew you were of female gender and all I stated was that was that we assumed you were female due to your referencing to your husband or we could have been wrong and you are of the feminine of a same sex relationship which is another possibility that we are not aware of.
                              700g Mini-Monster tank


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by simonssymfony View Post
                                i did do research on it and found that my tank conditions would be appropriate enough...all i asked was what could have happening i understand about moving it ..obviously that is what i did ..i was asking you simple questions and all i got was throw it away like it was a piece of garbage ..after this post i will not be on this site again as i see you are truely not fish lovers ..if you had been you would ve been more caring about my i will be noting this unkind and cruel conversation to all my friends looking for a forum to go to far as my tank never asked about other fish or animals in the tank ..all you kept going on about was throw it away and your tank isnt cycled....................
                                I'd call this one hysterical ( in the crazy sense, not the funny sense) and vindictive).
                                While I'm not reef ready, I am salt ernate lifestyle curious...

