I moved them to the sand bed no real change will keep watching. Also found a starfish in the tank very small I cant find any pics of it kind of grey/blue top.
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Damn found I have two bristle worms at least thats what I can see. They are about 2" spotted by chance looking around the tank. On another note I got a mandarin goby today getting him acclimated right now.
Cant find the starfish I have though
Fed the corals some Mysis today and they destroyed it. The plate coral is bad @$$ when its finds one I just rubbed it on one of its tentacles and it quickly grabbed it with a bunch of them and pulled it in. I also fed the torch coral, candy cane, and one of the larger zoas. Also noticed some different behavior from my clown pair. It looks like mating behavior but I dont know enough about clowns to determine yet. But they began shaking on the ground and swimming off real quickly then they start swimming in circles around each other.Last edited by Darbex; 03-17-2010, 06:55 PM.
Originally posted by i_am_poor View PostAsterina stars?
Some updated pics
New Mandarin Goby this fool hides all the time once in a while he will come out eat some pods hang out for a moment and then run back. Best pic I could get
New Toadstool
New star polyp it was on sale at CP for cheap. I found 3 feather dusters in it.
Fun shots
Originally posted by myjohnson View PostNice, looks like it's coming along.
You got that fish eating anything other than pods?
I was out of town for the week and came home to a dead or almost dead Acan. It had been looking drab not like it did at the store so I moved it up closer to the lights and when I got home today it is almost all white everything else seem to be doing fine though so not sure what its deal is