nice derasa! Nice picks on all you zoa colonies too.
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My 28G JBJ AIO Journal
I dont know if my toadstool is going to make it. It looks pretty jacked up right now.
Thai saw it. I got some galaxea and put it too close I guess. One of the tentacles reached out and touched it. Its got jacked up but my torch coral go hit too but its doing fine now. Galaxea isnt a punk that stuff will jack s#!t up.
Has it jacked anything up for you. Have you seen its little clear tentacle it sends out usually at night?
Nope. Hasn't been able to string anything yet.
The tentacle are very long. Longest may 4-5 inches.
I put it in a place where the flow would push the tentacles back and it can't reach forward to string anything. So far so good.
After I get my from VN, I'm start moving my corals to the 60p. That should give this guy more room.I ate my fish that died.
Got home today and its not going to make it the spot is getting bigger and its actually a hole in it. Decided to toss it so now I got to get a new coral to go in its spot.
Let me see if I can make some room. I will give you a call. PM your #
Is it the long tentacle variety?
Yeah I need to take pics keep forgetting. All corals from you and Madugo are doing fine. I have now rescaped the tank a bit and have zones. Zoas and some LPS on the mid level to sand bed and SPS only at the top. Got some new rocks on the top.