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20gal beginner startup

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  • 20gal beginner startup

    First, I must admit that I have tried about every hobby in the world, unsuccessfully. Most don't keep my interest. However, I have been reading about salt water tanks of and on for the last 2-3 months and I have the urge to create something. I even had the bright idea of building an acrylic tank (because everyone makes it look so easy in the videos), but my brother recommended I start small and see where my interests take me. And yes, I recognize starting small with SW could entail more work than with larger tanks. So I just pulled the trigger and purchased a 20L from Pet's Mart - on sale, saved $2 woohoo! Otherwise, I would have kept reading and never started.

    I plan to fill the tank with water to make sure it doesn't leak and then buy sand, LR, and RO water. I am also going to order a Hydro Koralia Evolution 550/600, API saltwater master test kit, and a 100W EHEIM Jager heater. After the stuff I order online comes in I'll make a visit to one of the LFS and buy some sand and a combination of dead and live rock. And some salt and a hydrometer. Who knows, I may find some sand/rock online and save myself the trip to the store, e.g. CaribSea Aragonite reef sand. Still need to do some research here, thought I read some people like 3" of sand, but I've seen others on here caution about too much...

    With regards to lighting, I would like to stay on the cheap and eventually upgrade. If I start slow, I don't think this is critical for fish and LR. Plus, I am going to stay on the beginner side of the wildlife spectrum for a while. I think the T8 lights are probably the least expensive; can I run these on a ballast from Lowes/Home Depot? Buying a legit aquarium light would cost more than my tank and that doesn't seem right at the moment.

    I will eventually get a protein skimmer and/or chaeto. But since I am planning on this being a slow evolution, i.e. cycling the tank, I wasn't in a hurry to purchase everything now. Plus, I am still trying to figure out if I can get away with not having a sump/refuge. I don't know that I trust my drilling/plumbing ability combined with the fact that I live on the 2nd floor of an apartment.

    Lastly, in order to save the efforts I put forth designing my acrylic tank, I've attached the cardboard layout picture for your viewing pleasure/criticism.


    Oh and I am writing this thread so that I can share my experiences with my friends. But, I also invite your insights and criticism.

  • #2
    Well First off welcome to the box. Im fairly new to salt myself but have a few suggestions. I have seen a couple salt tanks with just a hang on back filtration system that seemed to be running fine, so you may not need a sump depending on what you really want out of the tank. I would highly suggest an auto top off system though. That saves a ton of work and helps keep the salinity more stable in the system.

    How are you planning on mixing your salt and in what container? It might be a good idea to fill the tank about 3/4 with RO and then mix your salt before your put any thing inside it. Then use the koralia to circulate for a couple hours and test salinity. After that add your sand and rock and your tank should be pretty full. Other way would be to add all the sand and rock and mix your water in a seperate container (rubbermaid) with a power head.

    Also, If your not in a hurry watch for items you need or want in the Sale threads. I picked up every piece of equipment second hand from our group. Depending on your tank size your should be able to find a light for about $30 bucks or maybe better. I also check Ebay some times.

    200 - African cichlids
    72 - Salty Bow Front
    33 Cube - community
    10's - Freshwater Shrimp


    • #3

      Offer him $25 and he will take it

      Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


      • #4
        Morning, thank you for the suggestions. I emailed the Craigslist guy to see if he'll take $25. He lives around me, would make life easy. I also saw Arthehomeless's Blowout Sale and PM'd him about a dual T5 and HOB filter. Hopefully I hear back today and I'll make some purchases. Until then, I am going to get on Amazon and get the other items.


        • #5
          As far as filtration on a tank that size I would go with an AC 70 or AC 110. You can run this as either a biological filter or a chemical filter. I have an AC 110 that was converted to a refuge that worked great on my 20 gallon when I had it. This is a lot easier then setting up a sump on a system that size and works just as well. You can search the net and find 100s of mods that will increase the performance and make for a fun project. These filters can be expensive but they are worth the money and if you watch the sale threads can pick them up second hand for a good price. As far as lights go it is going to depend on what you want to keep in the tank, but I think you are on the right track. You can PM me and I will send you pics/details of my AC 110 that was converted to a refuge.


          • #6
            Argh!! I am out of town working on a friends laptop.. Typed up my post and then lost it. I should have got my laptop out rather than work on this Mac!

            I'll just summarize rather than retype another novel:

            Got my API test kit, refractometer, heater, and power head.
            Picked up 25 lbs of live rock for $25 off craigslist.

            Will start researching HOB filters to get ready for a mod, thanks for the advise. After I do a little reading I'll take you up on your offer of pictures of your setup.

            I also started researching DIY LEDs.

            I see plenty of weekend projects down the road. Short term, I am going to put the rock in the tank with the sand and water this week and try to start the cycle. Craigslist dude recommended I get my starting water from one of those Windmill kiosks in parking lots. Can't wait to get back from Baton Rouge.



            • #7
              Got the rocks in the tank. Probably nothing worthy of sharing, but seeing as this is my first time I am going to give myself some leeway. I am excited to buy some sand, salt, and h2o. Unfortunately, I've got to write a paper for class this week. Hopefully I can knock out the paper and I'll go reward my efforts with a trip to a LFS.

              Have a great Monday.



              • #8
                So I finally had some downtime today. I went over to FJW and got supplies, i.e. sand, water, and some epoxy for the rocks. Nice guy, think I will definitely go back again. I've got everything in the tank and now I can't see anything :) Guess I will be following his recommendation (and other's on the forum) to purchase a HOB filter. I just ordered one and will convert it to a fuge. Hopefully with time the cloudiness will clear up, if not I am sure the filter will help.

                I may buy another 20 lb bag of sand so I can get a deeper sand bed. Guess I'll wait until I see what the tank looks like, but think I need to decide before I cycle the tank. Can't wait to get the filter on the tank!



                • #9
                  The tank will clear with out the filter but it won't hurt to go ahead and put one on there. Good luck.

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                  • #10
                    Just wanted to upload a photo because I couldn't figure out how to attach through pm. HOB due in tomorrow.



                    • #11
                      Man I cannot get this bad boy to start cycling. Put live rock, sand, heater, powerhead, HOB filter on the tank 2 weeks ago. Put in a bottle of bacterial in the tank at the recommendation of LFS. Been putting fish pellets in and haven't seen any ammonia rise. Think I am gonna hit Kroger for a shrimp tomorrow when I go get some H2O.

                      Not many red spots on the rocks, but I suppose they could be hiding in the sand bed.. Am I missing something? Will the tank still cycle after I added the bacteria?

