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10 g AIO filter options

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  • 10 g AIO filter options

    I've just moved live rock into my new AIO 10. I have a 2 chamber internal sump area. One contains the return pump and experiences the water level flux due to evap.. The first chamber is tank depth, and half tank wide and maintains same water level as tank.

    I am learning all I can about the filter options for the first chamber. I am challenged to keeping things "in the tank" as height above tank level will interfere with the led fixture wire legs.

    My initial idea for this tank is to replace current live rock with Tampa Bay rock and light amount of his live sand. This is a garden variety coral LPS and soft coral tank for candy store colored corals. I may keep it bare bottomed, but I really love the biodiversity of that real live sand.

    I am a KISS method devotee. Here are the options I am tossing around. I am seeking ideas or experiences based on the following. By the way, I have shot down my idea of running a GARF styled plenum already.

    A. Nano skimmer or HOB skimmer working in and out of first chamber. Even if skimmer operation is marginal in such a small tank, the extra oxygenation and gas exchange is viewed as desirable. Remora ?

    B. DIY bio pellet tumbler and no skimmer. I have this built and own the pellets. Leftovers from my larger tanks. Really seeking info on tumbler without skimmer. Do bio pellets add enough to a nano system to make it a stand alone option? I haven't found data on stand alone tumblers.

    C. HOB skimmer added to B. Bio tumbler would occupy the internal chamber

    D. DIY Chemi Pure or Purigen media tumbler. I don't have firsthand experience with these, but have read all of the good. I would build a water bottle media tumbler with a design that prevents media from settling in the pump, but still minimal footprint.

    E. Small amount of mud and algae with external (stick on) light opposite main lights.

    What is your experience or other ideas on the above, or suggest something that I've not yet considered.

    Last edited by fish daddy; 10-27-2014, 10:41 PM. Reason: further data and polishing
    39g Crypt/ anubias, wild shrimp and minnows.

    55g Reef- first salt in many many years, coming along. Looking great, and stable. Garden mix of soft/lps corals. DIY refugeum

    20g Reef- different than the first by design.

  • #2
    Until I stumble into a skimmer or move some algae and a light in the fuge, I've built a tumbler for bio pellets and Phos Guard. I've used Poly-Filter instead of screens in the top and bottom of bottle to keep the media contained. I will test the tumble tomorrow.

    Y'all got anything for me to think about?
    39g Crypt/ anubias, wild shrimp and minnows.

    55g Reef- first salt in many many years, coming along. Looking great, and stable. Garden mix of soft/lps corals. DIY refugeum

    20g Reef- different than the first by design.

