I have red/purple hairy like algae growing on one of the rocks. How do I get rid of it for good? Someone told me it was called cyanobacteria? And told me to suck it out with a turkey baster which I've already done. It still comes back. Then was told maybe too much lighting but I only have the lights on for like 6-7 hrs a whole day. Help me please.
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how to get rid of purple hairy like algae? Cyanobacteria??
Cyanobacteria tends to be slimy & spreads very (VERY) fast. Growing over coral, rock, plants glass and slow moving fish.
If it is cyano, the only true cure is antibiotics.
Pic would help.
If it's cyanobacteria, Do 50% water changes every few days and turn off your actinic bulbs. Cyanobacteria likes light on the lower end of the spectrum, so actinics are perfect for it to grow. Also, there is a filter pad that gets rid of phosphates. I know Aquarium World sells an 8x10" pad of this for $10.00.
I have the same stuff growing in my biocube, and it is a pain to get rid of. All it takes is time.Fish are people too, they just have gills.
you will not be able to cure it unless you find the cause. Its probably to much nutrients in the water like phosphates. where do you get your water from
I get my water from City Pets. If I leave the lights off for a long period of time, the algae some how just seems to fall off the rocks or disappears (with some just sitting in the sand). But if I leave the lights on most of the day, that thing will just grow like crazy. Doesn't seem like my snails or crabs eating it. Let me take some pics.
It's thought that multiple things can lead to cyano. Poor lighting spectrum which can be caused by old bulbs. Too much nutrient load, usually caused by overfeeding. Not enough flow, causing dead spots. What kind of lighing are you using and how old are your bulbs? What, and how often are you feeding? What are you using for water movement in what size tank?
Cyano is a long battle to undertake. Don't get discouraged when it doesn't disappear overnight...because it won't. I'd shy against using any type of chemical approach except in a last ditch effort.
here are some pics. I feed them like 2 times a day (7am and 6 pm). It doesn't seem li2010-06-20 21.43.06_Pearland_Texas_US.jpgke its growing on the rocks anymore but its "fallen" off into the sand. Friend of mine told me to suck it out with turkey baster. 2010-06-20 21.42.46_Pearland_Texas_US.jpg